Araweelo News Network
US President Donald Trump (L) and Chinese President Xi Jinping (R) in Florida, April 7, 2017. (Photo by AFP)
Washington(ANNh-President Donald Trump is trying to break the British Empire’s policy of dividing the world, and that is evident in his overtures to US adversaries to resolve the North Korean standoff, says an analyst.
“Trump, while also wanting to maintain a strong military posture, is in fact busting up the British Empire’s core division of the world; the division between East and West,” said Mike Billington, the Asia editor for the Executive Intelligence Review.
“It is very clear that there is a concerted effort by President Trump and [Chinese] President Xi Jinping, almost certainly in collaboration with Vladimir Putin [of Russia], to bring about a peaceful solution to the Korea situation based on establishing talks,” Billington noted.
Trump said Monday that he “would be honored” to meet North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, despite escalating tensions between Washington and Pyongyang. By saying so, Trump left himself open to media criticism that he is making overture to a “dictator”, while unsettling allies on the Korean Peninsula.
“The reason that the British and the US press and the Wall Street people, who are subservient to this British imperial mentality, are so hysterical about Donald Trump is because he is breaking up this East vs. West divide,” Billington told Press TV.
Washington opposes Pyongyang’s missile and military nuclear activities, which North Korea says act as deterrence against a potential invasion by its adversaries.
China, also concerned by the North Korean nuclear activities, has already banned imports of North Korean coal. But it has repeatedly promoted dialog to resolve the issue and urged all sides to exercise restraint.
The Trump administration has also been actively seeking to enlist the support of China — Pyongyang’s major ally — to denuclearize North Korea.
Trump is now working closely with Xi Jinping, which is the most important relationship in the world today, and his saying publicly that he would be willing under some circumstances to meet with Kim Jong-un is extremely important,” Billington said.
There have been no talks since the Obama administration declared his insane policy of ‘strategic patience’ which meant ‘we will not talk to the North until they do exactly what we say and in the meantime we are going to build up massive military forces and increase sanctions,’” he explained.
The Trump administration has declared an end to America’s “strategic patience” with the North.
More recently, and despite continuing threats of military action, Washington seems to be slightly shifting to a non-military approach, possibly because of a closer study of the potential consequences of a military confrontation with Pyongyang.
Billington maintained that there is a “potential of ending the military buildup for war with Russia and China and solving the Korea crisis as part of the effort of getting the United States and China to work together.”
“This is an extremely important moment in history, one in which the danger of global nuclear war is still very close but the potential for eliminating that danger once and for all and wanting an era of global development through collaboration and ending the British Empire is within our grasp,” the analyst concluded.