#Somaliland: Sheekh Maxamed Cali Geedi Oo Ka Mid Ah Culimada Ugu Caansan Soomaalida Oo Ka Hadlay Heshiiska Ethiopia


Hargeysa(ANN)-Sheekh Maxamed Cali Geedi oo ka mid ah Culimada ugu caansan Soomaalida, ayaa si cilmiyaysan uga hadlay Heshiiska dawladda Ethiopia la gashay Xukuumadda Somaliland ee 1 Jan Madaxweyne Biixi iyo Ra’iisal wasaaraha Ethiopia Abiy Axmed Addis Ababa ku kala saxeexdeen Is-afgaradka.

Heshiiska Is-Afgaradka ah (MOU),oo Somaliland ku siinayso Bad dawladda Ethiopia,  ayaa abuuray xiisad siyaasadeed iyo xaallado muujinaya dareen diidmo oo Mawjado ah, iyadoo Guddaha Somaliland iyo geyiga Soomaalida laga muujiyay cadha xooggan oo kicisay mudaharaadyo ka dhacay Magaalooyinka Somaliland qaarkood.

Muuqaalkan ka Daawo Sheekh Maxamed Cali Geedi oo ka hadlaya Heshiiska iyo Kahtarta uu Leeyahay.

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Written by Arraale M. Jama, a freelance journalist and human rights activist.

Araweelo News Network.


admin: Arraale Mohamoud Jama is a highly experienced freelance and investigative journalist, writer, and human rights activist with over two decades of work in journalism and advocacy. His focus areas include: - Human rights - Politics and security - Democracy and good governance He has contributed to Somaliland newspapers and collaborated with human rights organizations. In 2008, he founded Araweelo News Network, a platform covering regional and international news, which he continues to manage. Contact Information: -Email: Info@araweelonews.com | jaamac132@gmail.com - Phone/SMS/MMS/WhatsApp: +252 63 442 5380 Twitter fallow us @Araweelonews Falow us Facebook: [@Araweelonews )
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