Sirta Fartii Masaaridii Hore (Hieroglyphic) & Af-Soomaaliga

Prof. Maxamed Siciid Gees – Qaybtii 2aad London (UK)

Sawirka fartii Hieroglyphics ee Masaaridii hore u taagan xarafka haddii aynu soo qaadano ereyo fartii Hieroglyphic ah micnahooda oo Af-Ingiriisi ah & Soomaali oo A laga dhigay H

AD:                              evil, crocodile                            Had

ACCW:                                     uncouth, boorish, fool                 Hac-coo

AWAW:                         marshy place                             Haawaw (haawai brave)

APT:                             duck feathered fowl                    Habad (Habas)

AFA;                             greedy man, glutton                   Hifah (Xifah) Xaaf xeef.

ART;                            hair;                                          Hoodh, Hoor

AHA;                            grief, sorrow;                             Hooheh

AHU;                            cow;                                         Hoohan

AA;                               field;                                         Haahi ama Xaaxi

AKHAKH;                     flower                                       Hoqhooqo (Xoqoxooqo)

AKU;                            to become weak;                       Hako, Hakaako

AQ:                              to diminish, be wanting;              Hiiq (Xiiq)

Nin qar dheer kora, nin quwaax hela

Nin qadhoon hela, nin iskaba qada

Sidoo kale, haddii aynu soo qaadanayo xarafka Q waxay ku sheegeen xeel-dheersyaashu buur dhinaceed. Afka Soomaalida buurta dhinaceedu waa Qar. KKKKK! Markan Khawaajayaashu waa ku caddaatay sirtii. Bal dheeho erayadan ku bilaabma xarafka shibanaha ah ee Q.

QH:                              to be high; exalted                     Qah-qah

QHW:                           height                                       Qaaho (Qaaxo)

QB:                              to increase                                Qub

QBB:                            to refresh oneself                       Qabboobi

QBX:                            to pour out libations                    Qabax (sitii-qabax)

QBB:                            cool water                                 Qaboob

QM:                              black                                        Qam

QM:                              find mouth, to speak                  Qam (waa af xidh)

QN:                              strength, valour                          Qaan (qaan-gaadh)

QNCW:                         to embrace                                Qanac (ganac)

QNCW:                         bosom, breast, body                  Ganac

QNNU:                                     very many indeed                      Qunaanyo

QNQN:                                     to beat,to hurt                            Qonqoon

QNDT:                          angry, wrathful                           Qandhadh

QTT:                             sleep                                        Qataati (gataati-dhac)

QRR:                            burnt-offering                             Qariir

QRS:                            to bury, burial                            Qaris

QS:                              bone                                         Qas

QSN:                            unpleasant; evil, bad                  Qasan

QSQST:                        curse                                        Qasqasaat

QQ:                              to eat                                        Qaaq

QT:                               to build                                      Qod

QT, QTI:                       to go, to walk                            Qatqatin

Prof. Maxamed Siciid Gees – Qaybtii 2aad London (UK)

admin: #Arraale Mohamoud Jama is a freelance and investigative journalist, writer and human rights activist with more than 20 years of experience. He writes about a range of topics related to social issues such as human rights, politics and security. Other topics in which Mr. Arraale is interested include democracy and good governance. Mr. Arraale has written extensively on regional and international events, and has worked with Somaliland newspapers and Human rights organizations. In 2008, he established #Araweelo #News #website# Network, which he currently manages. For further information, please contact: Info@araweelonews.com or jaamac132@gmail.com Send an SMS or MMS to + 252 63 442 5380 whatsapp.com/ + 252 63 442 5380 /https://twitter.com/Araweelonews/https://www.facebook.com/Araweelonews/
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