Araweelo News Network
Draft Petition written by Silicon Valley Somaliland Community Members
To: António Guterres
UN Secretary General
UN Headquarters
405 East 42nd Street,
New York, NY, 10017 U.S
To: UN Security Council
To: UN Secretariat
Subject: Democratically elected government led H.E. Muse Bihi Abdi is the only one that represents the interests and wishes of the people of Somaliland.
Dear UN Secretary General
We, the undersigned, the pro-democratic movements, individual citizens in Somaliland, comprising non-state actors, professional groups, university students, human rights and civil society organizations, operating under several non-governmental national level umbrellas and networks wish to express our gratitude to the Security Council and Permanent Council of the United Nation for your lion share support towards developing our country’s education, health, security, livelihoods and democratization process for the last 27 years.
Your Excellency, The Republic of Somaliland is a free and peace-loving state, and its democratically elected government led H.E Muse Bihi Abdi is the only one that represents the interests and wishes of the people of Somaliland.
In view of this fact we wish to inform that the people of Somaliland are against the on-going trend where an undemocratic Government of the neighbouring Somalia is trying to illegally intervene the development bilateral agreement between our country Somaliland, the United Arab Emirates based DP World and neighbor Ethiopia regarding the development of Berbera strategic port.
Federal Government of war torn country of Somalia did not represent our country Somaliland, the only legally government who can dealt with our country air land and sea are our elected democratic government led by President Muse Bihi Abdi.
Your Excellency, we urge the international community and more specifically the United Nation to continue their support to our country and accord it the respect and dignity it deserves.
Finally, we wish to inform the world that the only and sole legal representative of the democratic country of Somaliland and it’s 4 millions people are our democratic elected president H.E Muse Bihi Abdi and his government.
Sincerely yours,
CC: UN General Secretary,New York
CC: US State Department,Washington DC
Signatories list:
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