Why Somalia is against Ethio- Somaliland MOU Agreement?


As the government of Somalia and its average people, they don’t have real sense or a specific objective about their weak Amisom protected government’s stance on the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Somaliland and Ethiopia except their historic hostility and foe against Somaliland’s statehood. However, they are unable to bring about any justifiable and reasonable insights into the complexities of the Somalia-Somaliland relationship.

Somaliland was declared that it was seceded its statehood independence from Somalia in 1991 but has not gained international recognition as a separate country as it was before the union with somalia in1960. The Federal Government of Somalia, based in Mogadishu, considers Somaliland to be a part of its sovereign territory.

The relationship between the Somalia government and Somaliland has been characterized by political tensions and disagreements over issues such as governance, resource sharing, and regional influence. The Somalia government’s position towards the MOU between Somaliland and Ethiopia actually depend on those several factors, including territorial Integrity which they view any agreements involving Somaliland with concern, as it could be perceived as a potential threat to Somalia’s territorial integrity and their central delutioned government’s authority. furthermore, what they called sovereignty that Somalia government’s stance might be influenced by its position that Somaliland is an integral part of Somalia and should not engage in diplomatic relations or agreements independently.

Negotiation Process is also another factor which the Somalia government’s attitude could be influenced by the perceived legitimacy of the negotiation process between Somaliland and Ethiopia. The Somalia government’s believe in that the MOU was reached without being absorbed them in its consultation or involvement, it made them opposed the agreement on procedural grounds.

However, Regional Dynamics and geopolitical context and regional dynamics could also play a role. The Somalia government may be concerned about potential alliances or partnerships that could strengthen Somaliland’s position, potentially impacting Somalia’s regional influence.

It’s important to note that the specific reasons behind the Somalia government’s opposition to the MOU would require a deeper understanding of the political dynamics and specific details of the agreement by the time it will be all set for public consciousness.

The views expressed in this article belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy of Araweelo News Network

Written by M. Janbir