
Hargeisa (ANN)-King Osman Aw Mohamud Buurmadow, who spoke about many issues concerning Somaliland elections and the future.


He said that we will soon give him the key to Paradise, and Habar Jeclo recently gave him the key to the person who will lead the country for the next five years.

King Osman pointed out that the tribes of Habarjelo are the same as the Shiites who are ruled in one place.

King Osman Aw Mohamud, who was invited today, after being welcomed to the country yesterday, spoke about many political and cultural issues, calling for unity and that there is no need for division, and he warned that the Election period should be peaceful. the mostchallenges and not incite emotions and things that divide people.

He also called for the avoidance of propaganda that creates hatred and anything that incites tribalism and divides people.

King Osman has been out of the country for the last few years, with President Bihi and his government, who was one of the most diligent people during the 2017 campaign, but after the victory, they clashed.

His return at this sensitive time is considered to be of great importance for the elections and also for peace issues in the Eastern regions, and it is pulling apart the government and the main opposition party WADDANI, which was felt in the formation of Somaliland’s political scene in the last days and the welcome that was not left when he arrived the country on Monday.

Meanwhile, King Osman said that the decision of his Habarjeclo community coming is not against theso that they can weigh their decision on the appropriate leader of the country.

Written by Arraale M. Jama, a freelance journalist and human rights activist.

Araweelo News Network.
