There is a great feeling of anger among the people of Somaliland
Kampala (ANN)-Uganda President Yoweri Museveni offered to become facilitator in the reunification of Somalia with the breakaway Republic of Somaliland after more than three decades of separation.

the special envoy from Somaliland, Dr. Jama Musse Jama, at State House Entebbe on Friday, President Yoweri Museveni, 22 Septembar 2023. Image Plus News Uganda.
Related: Museveni Wrong on Unification of Somaliland and Somalia
A reunion would enhance economic growth and boost the welfare of citizens, Museveni said in an email statement from his office after a meeting with Somaliland Special Envoy Jama Musse Jama in Entebbe, Uganda. according to Bloomberg report.
The government of Somaliland did not respond to the stories of the President of Uganda and the meeting between Dr. Jama Musse Jama, which seems to have been mysterious.
On the other hand, when the news related to this matter came out, there was a great feeling of anger from the people of Somaliland, as it is seen as a clear betrayal that shows that the secret of Somaliland is intended to be a political conspiracy and to hijack the existence of the nation.
Related: Museveni Rejects Somaliland’s Secession from Somalia
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By Arraale M Jama Freelance Journalist and Human Rights activist.