
The United States government has released a report on the situation in Somaliland.

Mogadishu, U.S Embassy (ANN)- A press release issued by the American embassy in Mogadishu has shown how the American government sees the current situation in Somaliland, especially the issues of security, elections, and democracy, after mentioning the mediation decisions issued by the Sulthns and elders of the Habarjeclo community committee.

The discussions covered subjects including regional security, human rights, civic participation, and importance of upholding democratic processes. The United States is encouraged by the adoption of a plotical agreement put forward by the clan elders as a positive step toward free and fair elections said Shane L. Dixon the Chargé d’Affaires the U.S. Embassy in Mogadishu, Somalia.

Also he added Mr. Dixon his Statment “emphasized th need for the de-escalation of tentions in Las Anod through dialogue.”

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By Arraale M Jama Freelance Journalist and Human Rights activist.
