Araweelo News Network.
#The Reality of #Somalia’s #Political #Conflict and the #Decision to Extend the Term of #Farmajo’s #Government.
By Arraale M Jaama Freelance Journalist and Human Rights activist.

Somalia’s lower house of parliament extends term of President Farmajo’s government 12 April 2021. Image Araweelo News Network.
The United Nations and the international community have already planned for the current Federal Government of Somalia to hold One Person One Vote elections in order to establish a democratic party system in the country.
The implementation of the plan is the responsibility of the UN Special Representative and Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Somalia, Ambassador James Swan, who is the indirect President who is implementing the resolution of the UN plan for Somalia, but the plan for 2020, It is now understood that this is not possible at this time.
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The United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNISOM), its mandate and operations in Somalia have been restructured by the Security Council in June 2013, in conjunction with the UN Security Council; it is affiliated with the Department of Peace Building Policy (DPPA), which is based in Mogadishu.
The lower house of parliament has extended the term of the government in recent days, and has taken this step, following the end of the term of President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo, February 2021, Following the, unresolved political dispute between the governments, the federal government and the opposition over the conduct of the elections.
However, the government’s extension was strongly opposed and criticized by politicians who withdrew from the presidential candidates’ council, who said the extension was illegal, warning of the dangers and consequences of returning Somalia to chaos and chaos, Unnecessary violence.
Although international stakeholders in Somalia have criticized the extension of Farmajo’s government, the resolution appears to have been heavily influenced by most of the international diplomatic envoys, which have recently held separate and private meetings. With outgoing government officials, regional administrations and independent candidate groups, and the meetings, which did not specify the content of the talks, were aimed at resolving the election dispute, but resulted in an extension.
It is clear from the meetings with the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Somalia, Ambassador James Swan, who is described as the President of Somalia and his allies, that, the results of the meetings with the opposition and regional administrations have finally come to fruition Extension to Farmajo’s government.
Amb. Swan, a key figure in Somali politics, is also the UN’s indirect president in implementing its policy toward Somalia, aligning US policy in the Horn of Africa, as he is a US citizen, and the United Nations is known to work on the plan. and the aspirations of the United States and Britain, and are the backbone of the last six diplomats in Somalia since Jun 2013, when UNSOM was given additional powers. Four of the nominees were British, while the last two were in the United States.
Also, Ambassador Donald Yamamoto, the US Ambassador to Somalia, and the most important US diplomat in Somalia and the Horn of Africa.
Ambassador Donald Y. Yamamoto, a senior diplomat and Acting Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs, also served as US Ambassador to Ethiopia, leading the Ethiopia-Eritrea Agreement in August 2018, much to the chagrin of Abiy Ahmed’s change of government in Ethiopia and politics. guided operation in Ethiopia’s Tigary region November, 2020.
The move by the Somali parliament to extend the term of the Faramajo government, without agreement, was not limited to Farmajo and the members of the lower house of parliament, but was a clear signal of support for the warring factions in Somalia. A plan that does not take into account Somalia’s interests, and calls by Somali political stakeholders to condemn it appear to be like ” the crocodile’s tears“, putting the situation back on the path to chaos and a threat to regional security.
However, the reality of the political crisis in Somalia is not between Somali factions, but there is a rivalry between the invading governments in Somalia, through Somali political factions, and such a move provides an opportunity for those who benefit from the chaos. and the ongoing crisis in Somalia.
By Arraale M Jaama Freelance Journalist and Human Rights activist.