The Port of Djibouti/Drug Trafficking: 5000 kg of pure cocaine sent to Europe after being protected by the Djiboutian regime

Araweelo News Network


Djibouti(ANN)-The former director general of the national police, Mr. Abdillahi Abdi Farah, had received information from Interpol and the UNODC that large quantities of drugs that had left Latin America were headed to Djibouti, without notifying customs or the port authority.

The director general of the national police sent a team of police officers to the Port Autonome International de Djibouti PAID. The police began searching the containers containing sugar.

Mr. Said Sauvage, head of safety and security at the Port Autonome International de Djibouti (PAID), phoned the customs authorities to inform them of the police operations inside the PAID port.


The police came across the containers containing sugar of the Djibouti trader Elmi Guessod. They tore open all the bags, but found they had the wrong target. The state of Djibouti, through the customs, pays Elmi Guessod 70 million fdj to repair the damage caused to his goods.


On their side, the customs service of the Republic of Djibouti made its investigation and two weeks later, that is to say the month of January 2017, they intercepted at the International Autonomous Port of Djibouti PAID a man of Portuguese origin, but of Angolan nationality.


The Portuguese arrested had on him an Angolan passport with the family name DELGADO and with as place of birth Angola.


The Delgado family is a family of Portuguese origin installed in Angola and having dubious businesses in different fields, such as the manufacture of speedboats.

Mr. DELGADO had brought to Djibouti 11 containers containing Sugar. The 11 containers, 10 of which were from the largest container ship owner in the world, MAERSK, and one so-called bastard container (without a precise owner or has no shipping company name, but only an identification number). He wanted to bring the 11 containers to a depot located at the general stores of the Port Autonome International de Djibouti  PAID. The depot was rented in the name of Ahmed Mohamed Aden who is paid as an officer of the Djibouti National Police, But does not work there. Mr. Ahmed Mohamed Aden is married to the niece of Abdillahi Abdi Farah, the former director general of the Djibouti National Police. Ahmed Mohamed Aden has an import-export license and manages some of the business of the former director general of the Djibouti national police.

The customs officers seized the containers containing the bags of sugar of Mr. DELGADO and the bills of lading of the containers (the bill of lading is the document materializing the contract of maritime transport concluded between the shipper and the maritime carrier. It is also a title representing the goods).

The President of the Republic of Djibouti, Ismaël Omar Guelleh, ordered the Director General of Djibouti Customs, Mr. Gouled Ahmed Yussuf, to move the containers to the Republican Guard barracks located at Boulevard de Gaule.

The customs officers were authorized to search only the so-called bastard container. For the containers bearing the name of the shipping company MAERSK, the head of the Republican Guard, Colonel Mohamed Djama Doualeh, told them not to damage the sugar because the goods arriving in containers with the name of MAERSK are almost safe.

Thus, the customs officers were allowed to search only the so-called bastard container and they found 500 kg of pure cocaine hidden in suitcases placed under the bags of sugar from Brazil. The 500 kg of cocaine had an estimated street value of one billion fdj, or US$5.6 million.

The customs officers transferred the 500 kg of pure cocaine and the Portuguese trafficker to the Djiboutian justice. It is the prosecutor of the Republic, Maki Omar Abdoulkader, and the judicial police of the security documentation service – SDS – of Djibouti who take in hand the continuation of the case.

On Thursday, January 5, 2017, the Djiboutian state issued an official communique by which it disclosed the seizure of a shipment of 500 kg of pure cocaine at the International Autonomous Port of Djibouti (PAID).

A week later, the 500 kg will be burned in Douda in the presence of Interpol agents, the Prosecutor of the Republic of Djibouti, the Director General of the National Police, the Director of National Security – SDS – and many other officials of the Djiboutian regime.

And the trafficker of Portuguese origin, Mr. DELGADO, will be transferred to the Central Prison of Djibouti Gabode  pending his trial.

One month after his arrest, the prison guard of the Gabode prison intercepts three letters (one written in English, another in Spanish and the other in Portuguese) that Mr. DELGADO wanted to give to his Djiboutian lawyers. The three letters are transferred to the agents of the national security SDS.

The contents of the three letters said “The Djiboutian lawyers told me that the remaining 10 containers were not searched. Change the shipping company and use the services of the Chinese shipping company. There is the same amount in each container. The Big Man will help you. Etc. ”

The recipients of these letters were Mrs. Lolas and Mrs. Sandy living in Europe.

After the discovery of these three letters, Djibouti customs officials returned to search the remaining 10 containers stored at the Djibouti Republican Guard barracks.

In the containers, the customs officers did not find anything, but they started to check the bags of sugar. They discovered that cocaine was mixed with the sugar. That is to say, in each 50 kg bag there is almost half which is composed of pure cocaine.

Colonel Mohamed Djama Doualeh, the head of the Republican Guard, prevents customs officers from continuing their controls under the pretext that he wants to save the sugar to give to the poor in Somaliland. He added that he would bring in experts to separate the drugs from the sugar.

On the other hand, Lolas receives an invitation to come to Djibouti. She arrives in Djibouti and meets the public prosecutor, Maki Omar Abdoulakder, who takes her in his car to the Moonlight restaurant where they chat like people who knew each other over lunch.

Back in Europe, Lolas and Sandy take two European lawyers (one Spanish and one Portuguese) to request that DELGADO be tried in a European court.

The Republic of Djibouti rejects this request to transfer DELGADO to the European court because Ismael Omar Guelleh is afraid that DELGADO will collaborate with the European court and reveal the names of his associates in the Djiboutian state.

Inside the prison of Gabode in Djibouti, Mr. DELGADO will narrowly escape an assassination attempt disguised as a fight. Another prisoner pours hot oil on him.

A few months after the arrest of Mr. DELGADO, 5000 kg of pure cocaine contained in the 10 containers still stored in the barracks of the Republican Guard (500 kg x 10 containers) will take the road to Europe via air and sea. Pure cocaine with a market value of 10 billion fdj, or 57 million US dollars.

The innocent customs officers who wanted to do their job were able to trace the circuit of the seized drugs, but they fell flat on their faces when they tried to discover  (The Big Man) that Mr. DELGADO had mentioned in his three letters.

Already sources from the countries of the region and the Western powers were pointing out how the highest officials of the Djibouti regime or Ismael Omar Guelleh were managing behind the curtain the trafficking of arms, drugs and human beings.

Examples: 1 – For example, in one of the WikiLeaks dispatches, Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh jokes with John Brennan, President Barack Obama’s chief counterterrorism advisor, about smuggling weapons, drugs and whiskey from Djibouti to Yemen. « I have no objection to whiskey smuggling, » the Yemeni leader told his interlocutor, « provided it is top quality whiskey. » https://www.haaretz.com/2010-12-08/ty-article/neighbors-on-condition-they-smuggle-in-good-whiskey/0000017f-e544-df5f-a17f-ffdec8510000

2 – Mr. Saleh, who at other times has resisted U.S. demands to fight terrorism, was in a light mood. The authoritarian leader of a conservative Muslim country, Mr. Saleh complains about smuggling from Djibouti, but tells General Petraeus that his concerns are about drugs and weapons, not whiskey, « provided it’s good whiskey. » https://www.nytimes.com/2010/11/29/world/29cables.html

3 – The late Jeffrey Epstein, the American trafficker and pedophile, had implied in several interviews and hearings that he worked with Ismael Omar Guelleh, the president of Djibouti. « He also added on several occasions that he made his fortune in arms, drugs and diamonds. He told the investigative journalist, Edward J. Epstein, that he knows the owner of Djibouti’s deepwater port on the Horn of Africa, a smuggler’s paradise, so well that he is responsible for it. » Article link: https://www.rollingstone.com/

From this information, it is clear that the Presidency of the Republic of Djibouti is not neutral in these drug trafficking operations if it is not the planner.

And perhaps « The Big Man » that Mr. DELGADO cited in his three letters and that Djibouti customs officers were looking for elsewhere is a landlord of the Palais de l’Escale.

Source: hch24


admin: #Arraale Mohamoud Jama is a freelance and investigative journalist, writer and human rights activist with more than 20 years of experience. He writes about a range of topics related to social issues such as human rights, politics and security. Other topics in which Mr. Arraale is interested include democracy and good governance. Mr. Arraale has written extensively on regional and international events, and has worked with Somaliland newspapers and Human rights organizations. In 2008, he established #Araweelo #News #website# Network, which he currently manages. For further information, please contact: Info@araweelonews.com or jaamac132@gmail.com Send an SMS or MMS to + 252 63 442 5380 whatsapp.com/ + 252 63 442 5380 /https://twitter.com/Araweelonews/https://www.facebook.com/Araweelonews/
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