The international community has made several brave efforts to rescue and reconstruct the disintegrated State of Somalia. All these brave efforts had however failed and Somali proper still lies in ruins and is still a theatre for marauding warring militant. All the experts, the political analysis’s and the experienced anthropologists called to help, have in their turn also failed to diagnose accurately the causes of the dilemma. These experts have for the first time came up against native problems, which defied their pet t theories, their quaint conclusions and their misinterpretation of the abstract indices of native cultures. The war dance and the music never change until not only a dull person like me but a typical camel boys or cow boys or sheepherder can today foresee and feel the smell of the blood planned to be shed for unknown reason. Strange enough, unfortunately, it is the peacemakers that being the war. It is a Somali wording says “ Soo Sakaaro Ima Barato”, which is mean, “ Whenever an antelope sees me it runs, it never learns”, said by someone who never hunts. What I mean is that the co-called international community and United States of America, never ever learn from their own prior disastrous mistakes. The poor eminent men and women could not admit that all their learned treaties were wrong; it was more convenient to accuse the leopard of changing its spots. The search for a solution of the Somali problem was always dogged by anomalies and ambivalences, which in one form or another emasculated every reconciliation effort. The Somali people don’t need scholar or peace, but they need creators of peace. The Somali people do not need peace makers, but they need peaceful people. The Somali people does not need an Ambassador, they need Help. If you are preparing war whenever you need peace, you are not making peace. International Community and the US, if you want to bring the Somali Government of yesterday to existence then I am sure you are in a daydream, why not? Because yesterday includes the past and the past never come back. Yesterday is not either today or tomorrow. If you can bring back or retain the old Somali unity or government then you can bring back the lunar eclipse over the World of the day of your power. That will never happen. But if you want to try to bring about a new sort of Somali government which could be far different from the previous ones of the past that can also be much better or even worse. The development of human always negated the compulsion of the unity of any two or more state and that is why we have the word, “ Freedom”, “ Independence “, “ Dictatorship “, “ Nation”, and so money other words of that sort in our Languages and dictionaries. I do not think that the people that belong to the some race, language or religion must be united. If it is so then the scores of Arabian countries are more suitable to be united and become one Arab Country as they used to be before. Instead they are so many and some of them are radical enemies. Taiwan and china are also more suitable to be one state then the so-called Somali folk. We say in our language “ Hal xaaraani nirig xalaal ah ma dhasho”, which is mean “Unlawful unity can never bring about a democratic state”. The unity of the Somaliland and Somalia was just like a rape and that is why it will never because to what you and your Peacekeepers keep in mind. The ill feeling and distrust of the Somali landers since the first day of the union, the 1st of July 1960 is full in the literature of the Somaliland people. What then? I am proposes that if the Territorial integrity of the Democratic Republic of Somalia is to be preserved, then I am asking that the International Community should form a panel to organize the formation of a state of The Somali Inhabited Territories in the Horn of Africa. Then were a golden opportunity, which was missed in 1960, and a humanitarian mission of the first category. The problem of the warring factions will immediately evaporated at the moment this mission is announced and a new grateful nation will appear in the Horn of Africa, bringing constructive contributions to the region and an everlasting peace to the Horn of Africa. We abjectly beg this International Community to pity the agony of this tortured nation and to do the right thing a long last. In my conclusion I advise the International Community to avoid adding wood to the extinguishing fire or gas to the burning camp and that is the money you pay to kill in order to keep peace. And the old Somali says “ Nabad iyo Caano”, which is mean “ Peace and Milk”. THE SOLUTION OF THE SOMALI PROBLEMS IS ONLY AND ONLY IN THE RECOGNITION OF SOMALILAND TO FULL SOVERIGNTY AND INDEPENDENCE. ANIIS ABDILLAHI ESSA. HEAD SOMALILAND ADVOCACY GROUP WASHINGTON DC… ANIIS@YAHOO.COM

Arraale Jama: Arraale Mohamoud Jama is a 20 year experience as a professional Journalist and human rights activist Over the years, worked for the major News Papers in Somaliland as a reporter, editor and contributor. 2008 established website Araweelo News Network, he currently runs a web site based in Somaliland. who is the specializes in the investigation and reporting on issues relating to human rights, democracy, and good governance. contact: Info@araweelonews.com jaamac132@gmail.com + 252 63 442 5380 + 252 63 4764409 + 252 63 442 5380
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