
Jeddah (ANN)-The protracted war between the warring parties in Sudan has drawn the world’s attention at this time, as the humanitarian situation has worsened. while there is no peaceful solution.

Some of the major powers and the Gulf countries, including those in the region, have sided with the two sides in the conflict in Sudan, but the worsening situation has caused a statement calling for a ceasefire


The United Arab Emirates, United States, Switzerland, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the African Union, and the United Nations have issued the following joint statement on Sudan.

“We are hard at work in Switzerland on the first day of intensive diplomatic efforts for Sudan to support humanitarian access, cessation of hostilities, and compliance in accordance with previous Jeddah outcomes, other efforts, and international humanitarian law.”say the statement.

Meinwhile, Earlier, the UAE expressed, in a statement, alarm over the dire humanitarian crisis unfolding in Sudan, with severe food insecurity affecting over 25 million Sudanese citizens.

The UAE also earlier affirmed that the humanitarian crisis in Sudan demands an emergency response that helps secure a ceasefire and facilitates the swift delivery of humanitarian aid.

Accoding to Khaleej Times, Earlier, UAE unequivocally condemned the use of starvation as a weapon of war, the denial of humanitarian access for civilians in need, and the indiscriminate attacks that make it impossible for people to receive assistance – all these are clear violations of international humanitarian law.

Written by Arraale M. Jama, a freelance journalist and human rights activist.

Araweelo News Network.
