Speaker Irro Goes Haywire – again!By Amran Aideed

Speaker Irro Goes Haywire – again!Himself on borrowed time and identity, the House Speaker of the Somaliland Parliament misses his political mark by a long mile again.

Today, at a press conference he called to, presumably skin the incumbent alive – he, in fact, only managed to put the strongest of spotlights on what was all wrong with him, his policies – or the lack of it, his ill-thought of ‘ultimatums’, his over-stay on the Chair he holds, his lack of political focus, his inability to put the follies of his subordinates and supporters on leash – his..his..
For a man who is holding on to a position whose rightful tenure has expired five years ago and some, that he issue ultimatums on a government that is still within its elected, mandated term of office was folly incarnate.
To not have resigned in December 2014 to put the government in a tight corner, and claim that since he has abdicated from his position – as the law demanded – so that elections be held in June as planned – six months to the date, only showed how greedy and illiterate in the politics he so wished to practice.
To, again, show the electorate that he only respected his own and that if by so much as anybody looked his way – right or wrong – he will stir tribal fervor (his, of course) as he did so before twice was written all over his blistering words delivered in his old ineffectual way preceded and rounded up by smile-like smirks.
To threaten the nation that he will descend Somaliland into a political vacuum that can lead to much worse developments unless he was given the presidential office on a silver platter without fighting for it fairly and freely showed that the decision was not his bu one dictated to him by inferiors who were more assertive but very much less experienced or patriotic than him.
That he propose a joint government that is not part of Somaliland’s long, illustrious history if elections he is holding back do not happen on time was not only rash of him but showed that is such really came from his head that he was heeding Somaliland enemies’ bidding.
That Irro, who has yet to deliver the requisite bill to prepare the ground for parliamentary elections, fix his eyes on the seat across the street from him whilst he keeps holding on to his illegally, was a revelation to the public today.
The very hasty support that UCID new comers to the scene gave him only added to the suspicion that was a conspiracy against the state in the minds and machinations of some of then highest members among the top echelon opposition ranks was only made too obvious in the act.
That on a day, a turn-coat and a traitor who went over to Mogadishu only because his political organization failed to win a place among the top three political parties in Somaliland, was presiding over the ministerial council in Mogadishu, Mr. Irro’s discordant press conference was chosen, spoke volumes on its own, compellingly leading one to think that he was either paving the way for himself on as similar move or that he wished to pull Somaliland to chaos and anarchy that people so much patriotic than him strove hard to protect it from for over two decades.
It is no secret that Somalilanders will not choose him as he has bared his political core for all to see in which is his over-greed for a chair that he is unlikely to go once he ascends to as he has shown on the most practical of examples on his unhealthy grip on the House Speaker’s position. Somaliland sees him. The world sees him. His subordinates see it but only see him as a means as an end they plan to take over once they reach there.
It is time Somaliland stood up to protect itself from political idiocy.
Irro’s many masks:
By Amran Aideed

Arraale Jama: Arraale Mohamoud Jama is a 20 year experience as a professional Journalist and human rights activist Over the years, worked for the major News Papers in Somaliland as a reporter, editor and contributor. 2008 established website Araweelo News Network, he currently runs a web site based in Somaliland. who is the specializes in the investigation and reporting on issues relating to human rights, democracy, and good governance. contact: Info@araweelonews.com jaamac132@gmail.com + 252 63 442 5380 + 252 63 4764409 + 252 63 442 5380
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