The Building of the Egyptian Cultural Library in Hargeisa has been closed


Hargeisa (ANN)The Somaliland government has closed the doors of the Egyptian cultural library in Hargeisa, the capital of Somaliland.

Diplomats in the building of the library have been informed to leave the country within 72 hours, as announced by the government of the Republic of Somaliland on Wednesday.

The government of Somaliland has felt ongoing security concerns, therefore, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has decided to permanently close the cultural library in Egypt and expel those working in the country for a period of 72 hours,” said the Somaliland Minister.

The action of the Somaliland government to close the building of the Cultural Library of Egypt, which is attached to the Presidency of Somaliland, is a response to the military movement that Egypt wants to bring troops to Somalia, which is a result of the agreement between Somaliland and Ethiopia, which angered Egypt.

Therefore, the message was communicated to the Egyptian government as noted by the Minister of Foreign Affairs. The agreement between Somaliland and Ethiopia on access to the waters of the Red Sea that Somaliland allowed to Ethiopia, has angered Egypt, which previously disagreed with Ethiopia on the use of Nile River water.

The Egyptian government has recently entered into a military agreement with the Somali government, and it has recently deployed troops that it says will be part of the peacekeeping forces in Somalia.

Also, shipments of weapons have landed in Mogadishu, but this has angered Ethiopia, which has said that it will never They do not hide from the defense of their country and what is causing them security problems, and they described the plan of the Egyptian army as a provocation that they will not tolerate.

The action of the Somaliland government to close the building of the Cultural Library of Egypt, which is attached to the Presidency of Somaliland, is a response to the military movement that Egypt wants to bring troops to Somalia, as a result of the agreement between Somaliland and Ethiopia, which angered Egypt. Therefore, the message was communicated to the Egyptian government as noted by the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

The agreement between Somaliland and Ethiopia on access to the waters of the Red Sea that Somaliland allowed to Ethiopia, has angered Egypt, which previously disagreed with Ethiopia on the use of Nile River water. The Egyptian government has recently entered into a military agreement with the Somali government, and it has recently deployed troops that it says will be part of the peacekeeping forces in Somalia.

Also, shipments of weapons have landed in Mogadishu, but this has angered Ethiopia, which has said that it will never They do not hide from the defense of their country and what is causing them security problems, and they described the plan of the Egyptian army as a provocation that they will not tolerate.

Written by Arraale M. Jama, a freelance journalist and human rights activist.

Araweelo News Network.