

Hargeisa(ANN)-The Somaliland Government and the Federal Government of Ethiopia have agreed on a number of issues pertaining to trade operations.accoding to statment Minisry of Foigein affairs Somaliland Dr. Essa Abdirahman Mohamoud Kayd.

This issue has come after a time when Somaliland visited a delegation from the Federal Government of Ethiopia, who held meetings with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Somaliland Isse Kayd.

An outcry from consumers on the increase of tariffs on a number of things that are imported from Ethiopia, is the reason for this, say Minister Essa Kayd.


But, Both parties agreed to continue working together to enhance trade operations between the two countries and will create a joint technical team to overlook all discussions surrounding the Port and trade moving forward. said his statment.

When the Minister of Foreign Affairs Kayd was spoke the articles that stood between the two governments, Redwan Hussien, who is the national security advisor of Ethiopia, was sitting beside him, leading the delegation from Ethiopia.

The two sides discussed trade issues, especially the khat and fruits from Ethiopia, which Minister Kayd said should be returned as before to eliminate the increase in taxes that caused the complaints of Somaliland trader.

Written by Arraale M. Jama, a freelance journalist and human rights activist.

Araweelo News Network.
