The regional tension between Ethiopia and Egypt is on the brink of War


Mogadishu (ANN) The Egyptian government sent a shipment of weapons to Somalia. after the cargo ship docked at the Port of Mogadishu.


This cargo ship was carrying weapons to the government of Somalia. It is the second time that Egypt sends to Somalia in the last two weeks.

While the Federal Government of Somalia has welcomed Egypt’s plan to bring arms to Somalia, which was unloaded from the Port of Mogadishu on Monday.


Officials from the Villa Somalia government have been quoted as saying that the shipments of weapons that have arrived at this time include anti-aircraft guns and field artillery, although they did not give more details about the other types of weapons and how much they are.

The Millatery ship, which docked at the port of Mogadishu, began to unload the cargo of weapons it carries on Sunday, 22 September 2024, according to a diplomat quoted by the Reuters news agency.

on the other hand, the security forces closed the roads and around the port on Sunday and Monday today, where convoys of vehicles were seen transporting weapons to the building of the Ministry of Defense and nearby military bases, as two of them told the Reuters news agencyport workers and two military officers who asked not to be named.

Villa Somalia and Cairo did not discuss the shipment of weapons that the ship overturned in the port of Mogadishu, which is another sign that shows that the fear of the region has increased and the tension between Ethiopia and Egypt has become a problem in Somalia, and the war between them in the water of the riverThe Nile continued to Somalia. Somalia and Egypt recently signed an agreement, which the Egyptian government later said sent troops to Somalia, as Egypt and the Somali government were very angry about the MoU signed by Somaliland and Ethiopia on January 1, 2024.

On August 27, the government of Cairo landed a military plane of its own at the Aden Adde airport in Mogadishu, while the plane was carrying a shipment of weapons and ammunition, as confirmed, although neither Egypt nor Somalia have spoken about it.

Related: The Egyptian government has warned its citizens against traveling to Somaliland – Foreign Affairs Egypt

However, the weapons that Egypt has transported to Somalia have increased the anxiety and fear in the region and the hot tension between Somalia and Egypt on the same side and Ethiopia and Somaliland on the same side, and it is feared that the situation will worsen.

Related: Somaliland expels Egyptian diplomats from its Country

The government of Somaliland expelled the Egyptian library workers from its country last week by completely closing the doors of the library in Hargeysa, and the Cairo government reacted to the matter and informed its citizens to leave Somaliland immediately.

Related: Ethiopia has sent a letter to the United Nations Security Council to Defend the MOU Agreement it signed with the government of Somaliland.

Related: Somaliland Continues to Polarize as Military Opposes Political Moves Toward Rapprochement With Egypt

Written by Arraale M. Jama, a freelance journalist and human rights activist.

Araweelo News Network.