

Mogadishu, Somalia, (ANN)-The Federal Government of Somalia has spoken about an explosion that caused serious damage last night at Lido Beach in Mogadishu after a suicide attack was used while hundreds of people were partying.

The Prime Minister of the Federal Government of Somalia, Hamsa Abdi Barre, has described the act of attack as a barbaric one by the “Khawarijta” groups who massacred the Somali people who were partying on Lido beach last night.
Prime Minister Hamse said that the attack is outside of religion and morals, but it is destroying the existence of the Somali nation.

“The barbaric act that took place on Lido beach shows that the goal of the Khawarij enemy is to massacre, exterminate and shed the blood of our valuable Somali people.” He said, Prime Minister Hamsa.



In a press release he spoke about the attack, the Prime Minister on the other hand called on the Somali people to come to the rescue of those who suffered from the explosion, who need to stand together for their rescue, while sending condolences to the families of those who died in the attack. likeHe said it was a cruel act, and he prayed to God to give speedy recovery to those injured in the explosion.

Written by Arraale M. Jama, a freelance journalist and human rights activist.

Araweelo News Network.
