How To Fix Your Super Slow Computer

Don’t toss it, just give it some love (and much-needed storage space). Popular Mechanics

Slow computers are frustrating, distracting, and in many cases, avoidable. There are tons of reasons why your computer could be sluggish—from a packed hard drive to a dearth of RAM space. But before you give up on the old machine, hit a repair shop, or complain to the manufacturer, make sure you’ve exhausted your other options.

When it does come time to take your computer to the trash compactor in the sky, make sure that you’re disposing of your device appropriately before you buy the next one. Cell phones and computers are literally exploding in junkyards and dump trucks, so don’t be that guy or gal who throws yet another device into the trash or the recycling bin. That’s right, you can’t just toss it into the blue bin and hope for the best.

This post originally appeared on Popular Mechanics and Full Art, and was published at, read here the full article.

How To Fix Your Super Slow Computer