

Addis Ababa (ANN)- The Federal Government of Ethiopia spoke about the political failure of the Federal Government of Somalia and President Hassan Sheikh’s failure in the talks with Turkey.


Adem Farah, Head of the Coordination Center for the Development of Democracy with the rank of Deputy Prime Minister, and Vice President of Ethiopia’s ruling Prosperity Party (PP), said that President of Somalia Hassan Sheikh Mohamud’s recent statements and speeches “deny the reality on the ground, go against good neighborliness.”

Accoding to the Addis standar In a statement the ruling party’s second in rank issued yesterday, he said that “the Ethiopian government is always ready to cooperate with neighboring countries to ensure peace and stability in the region.”

Ethiopia and Somalia share a border of nearly 1,700 km and have a common culture, language, and religion. Our country believes that this is an unchangeable truth, not subject to reinterpretation by historical narratives. Recognizing that Somalia’s peace and stability are crucial for its development and prosperity, Ethiopia has made significant efforts to stand in solidarity with Somalia, embracing the idea of growing together, Adem said.

“Despite this fact, we have observed that the recent statements and speeches made by the President of Somalia are far from reality, do not reflect the history of the ties between the two peoples, deny the reality on the ground, and go against good neighborliness and the common interests of the people of the two countries”, Adem further said.

His statement came in the backdrop of a televised speech last Saturday by President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud asserting that Somalia refuses to negotiate any issue with Ethiopia until the latter recognizes its “sovereignty.”

“We will not negotiate on any matter until Ethiopia acknowledges Somalia’s sovereignty and status as an independent neighboring country,” President Mohamud stated.

His remarks followed the second round of talks held in Ankara, mediated by Türkiye, which was aimed at easing the diplomatic tensions between Ethiopia and Somalia over a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) the former signed in January this year with Somaliland. The MoU has generated backlash from the government of neighboring Somalia and subsequent diplomatic rows, which is what Türkiye is planning to mediate.

Written by Arraale M. Jama, a freelance journalist and human rights activist.

Araweelo News Network.
