Araweelo News Network
The UN peacekeeping mission to the Central African Republic (CAR) known as MINUSCA, said it was “investigating fresh allegations” of sexual exploitation and abuse by both UN peacekeepers and international forces.
The mission says four alleged child victims sought the help of the UN Children’s Fund based in Bangui. UNICEF is currently working to help the new victims receive medical and psychological care.
“The mission continues to investigate each and every allegation of misconduct. A fact finding mission is currently underway in this regard,” MINUSCA said in a statement, adding that those guilty will be “held accountable to the highest standards of behavior and conduct.”
The UN announced it has contacted the troop contributing countries’ authorities urging them to conduct their own national investigations into the new abuse cases. The countries or the nature of sexual abuse were not mentioned in a statement. AFP sources said the soldiers were from Gabon, Egypt and Morocco.
The statement added that the Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s Special Representative, Parfait Onanga-Anyanga, is in contact with the UN human rights office trying to find solutions to combat sexual abuse.
last year UN peacekeeping based in Bangui rape and sexual abuse cases 40 cases Children in the country.
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