Shocking, leaked documents reveal evidence of the incident, including uniforms, military boots, AK-47 rifles, American rifles, and ammunition. That the federal government of Somalia should be helped in the fight against Al-Shabab, but instead it was distributed to militias affiliated with Al-Shabab in LasAnod.
Mogadishu (ANN)-The President of the Federal Government of Somalia last week asked the United Nations Security Council to lift the arms embargo on Somalia, which coincided with the emergence of scandals showing that the United States and its allies provide weapons to Al-Shabab.
President Hassan Sheikh’s request has come at a time when hostilities have been renewed in Somalia, which has caused great concern for people who are closely familiar with the political affairs of Somalia.
The situation that caused great concern and worry is when scandals emerged showing the diversion of military equipment and weapons donated by the United States to the Federal Government of Somalia, which was intended to contribute to the war the Federal Government claimed to be in with Al-Shabab, but instead the weapons and military equipment provided by the United States have been handed over to Al-Shabab and some militias who are part of the war and conflict in the Sool region of Somaliland.
Shockingly, emerging documents reveal evidence of the incident, including uniforms, military boots, AK-47 Rifles snappiness, American made guns, and ammunition. To help in the fight against Al-Shabab, but in return, the weapons are being distributed to militias in the LasAnod area and groups believed to be related to Al-Shabab.
The shocking diversion of U.S.-donated military resources, including uniforms, $300 combat boots, AK-47 rifles, and ammunition resources intended to aid in the battle against Al-Shabaab is exacerbating clan-based conflicts and hostility in Somaliland 🌍💔. This stark truth is…
— Sahardeed Raage (@SaidSahardeed) June 25, 2023
The real truth is clearly visible in the city of LasAnod, where this equipment was handed over to tribal militias, who are aligned with the elements of Al Shabab. This highlights the urgent need to increase the arms embargo on Somalia.
Somalia has been under an arms embargo for thirty years, but it has recently been partially lifted.
But Somalia’s president urged the United Nations on Thursday to lift the long-standing arms embargo, which he said has hampered the war against terrorism for more than three decades.
In March 2013, it partially lifted a one-year arms embargo to boost the government’s ability to protect areas liberated from militants, but scandals have emerged that show arms have easily been handed over to Al-Shabaab and local militias. which created great concern and fear that Somalia had returned to the path of conflict.
The effort to remove the arms embargo from Somalia has really shown a step to inflame the conflicts between the tribes and the authorities, and it is a good example of the LasAnod war and the civil war that broke out in the Garowe Administration in Puntland, so it seems that the demand President Hassan Sheikh wants the arms embargo to be removed from Somalia has really increased the renewed tribal conflicts in Somalia and that the weapons are handed directly to groups that do not like peace and stability and Al-Shabab.
Related: Republic of Somaliland hails UN reaffirmation of arms embargo on Somalia
Therefore, the United Nations Security Council and the countries that are friends with the United States should be very careful about this issue and closely monitor the renewed wars in Somalia and the way in which the aid and weapons that the United States and other countries provide to the Federal Government of Somalia are wrongly handed over to Somali tribal militias and Al-Shabab.
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By Arraale M Jama Freelance Journalist and Human Rights activist.