London(ANN)The BBC missed opportunities to stop “monstrous” abuse by DJ Jimmy Savile and broadcaster Stuart Hall because of a “culture of fear”, a report says.
The Dame Janet Smith review identified 72 victims of Savile – including eight who were raped – and 21 victims of Hall, over five decades from 1959.
She said BBC culture “was deeply deferential” and staff were reluctant to speak to managers about complaints.
Director general Lord Hall said the BBC had failed to protect the victims.
The review found that senior managers were not told of complaints about Savile because of an “atmosphere of fear” which still exists in the BBC.
However, a small number of BBC managers in Manchester had been aware of Hall’s conduct, it said.
Hall, 86, who presented TV show It’s a Knockout, was jailed in 2013 after admitting indecently assaulting 13 girls.
Dame Janet Smith report: Key sections
Analysis: How did Savile get away with it?
Hall’s sexual behaviour at the BBC
Full report click here

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