Somaliland: Xarun Xuquuqal Insaan Oo Maxali Ah Oo Soo Saartay Warbixin Sanadeed La Xidhiidha Xaalada xuquuqal insaanka

Araweelo News Network



Hargeysa(ANN)-Somaliland mid ka mid ah Xarunta Xuquuqal Insaanka maxaliga ah, ayaa soo saartay warbixin sanadle ah oo la xidhiidha xaaladda xuquuqal insaanka Somaliland.

Warbixinta ay soo saartay Xarunta Human Rights Center Maalin ka hor Maalinta Caalamiga ah ee Xuquuqal Insaanka, waxay kaga hadashay xaaladda xuquuqda aadanaha ee Somaliland, iyadoo sheegtay in Ujeedadu tahay dareenka lagu soo jeediyo arimaha xuquuqal insaanka ee ka jirta Somaliland, islamarkaana talooyin looga bixiyo.

Warbixinta sanadkan 2017, ayaa lagu sheegay qoraal kooban oo kasoo baxay  in ay tahay mid ka dhalatay cilmi baadhis laga sameeyey dhamaan gobolada dalka oo dhan,  iyada oo la waraystay dadka ay khuseyso islamarkaana la dersay qoraalo muhiim ah.

Warbixintu waxaay ka hadlaysaa dhaqanka kakan ee booliiska oo weli u xidha dadka si aan waafaqsanayn shuruucda dalka u taal. Iyada oo aanu jirin xeer dhaqangal ah oo xanibaya awoodaha booliisku isticmaalo. Xaruntu waxaay diiwangelisay sanadkan dhacdooyin badan oo booliisku uu gaystay xad gudubyo.

Booliiska Somaliland ma laha oo kuma dhaqmo qoraalo qoran oo tilmaamaya habka iyo goorta uu isticmaali karo xabad. Dadka ay xidhaan waxaay kula kacaan tacadiyo jidheed iyo kuwo aflagaado iyaga oo isticmaala marka ay dadka xidhayaan awood xad dhaaf ah. Dadka waxyeelada ka soo gaadhay gacanta booliiska waxa ka mid ah dad naftooda ku waayahay iyo kuwo ku dhaawacmay.

Arimaha booliiska la xidhiidha ee warbixintu ay ka hadlayso waxa ka mid ah:

Saldhigyada booliiska ee buux dhaafka ah oo ay aad u daran tahay xaaladooda nadaafad, cunto iyo caafimaad;

Xadhigga aan loo haysan waaranka maxkamadeed oo caado ka noqday Somaliland iyada oo garsoorku aanu ku samayn korjoogtayn booliiska si loo hubiyo inaan lagu tacadiyin xuquuqda dastuurka ku qoran;

Mudada rumaanka dadka lagu hayo oo aad u dheer;

Qareenada oo aan loo ogolayn inay saldhigga dhexdiisa kula kulmaan dadka xidhan iyo inay talo ku dhex siiyaan;

Qareenada oo aan helin mudo ku filan oo ay difaaca ku diyaarsadaan;

Cadaymaha oo aan qareenada iyo dadka la soo eedeeyey la sii siin ka hor intaan dacwaddu bilaabmin si ay ugu heli karaan fursad ay iskaga difaacaan;

Inta badan dadka la soo eedeeyo qareeno ma laha;

Booliiska iyo ciidanka qaranka oo awood xad dhaaf ah isticmalaay mudaharaadyo dhacay doorashada kadib, 15 November 2017. Ugu yaraan afar qof way ku dhintaan sagaal kalaena way ku dhawaacameen mudaharaadyadaas.

Dad loo xidho dacwado madani ah oo ay ka mid tahay dayn.

Arimaha kale ee warbixintu ka hadashay waxa ka mid ah:

Tacadiyada loo gaysto haweenka iyo hablaha ee ay ka mid yihiin kufsiga, garaacista, gudniinka;

Xuquuqda qabiilada laga tirada badan yahay;

U cago juglaynta dadka u dooda xuquuqda insaanka;

Xadhiga iyo dacwaynta siyaasiyiinta;

Xadhiga iyo dacwad ku oogista suxufiyiinta iyo sidoo kale xayiraadda goobo warbaahineed. Sanadkan, 2017, 27 suxufi ayaa la xidhay. Laba ka mid ah dacwad ayaa lagu soo oogay. Sidoo kale lix shabakadood ayaa la xayiray. Sanadkii hore ee 2016 waxa la xidhay 28 suxufi iyada oo la xayiray 2 wargays.

Talo soo jeedin

Xarunta Xuquuqal Insaanku waxay dawladda Somaliland kula talinaysaa:

In la cidhib tiro takoorka iyo faquuqa lagu hayo bulshada laga tiro baan yahay, lana siiyo adeegyo

In la cidhib tiro tacadiyada ka dhanka ah haweenka, lana ansixiyo xeerarka ilaalinaya haweenka iyo hablaha ee ay ka mid yihiin xeerka qoyska, xeer kufsiga;

Inay samayso xeerka lagu cidhib tirayo gudniinka;

Inay joojiso xeerka ciqaabta ee ay ku qaadayso suxufiyinta. Suxufiyiinta oo xeerka ciqaabta lagu qaadaa waxay ka soo horjeedda dastuurka iyo Xeerka Saxaafadda, iyo sidoo xeerarka caalamiga ah. Xeerarka madaniga ah iyo Xeerka Saxaafadda waa in lagu dabaqo arrimaha la xidhiidha warbaahinta;

Inay ogolaato in la furi karo warbaahin cusub oo ay ka mid tahay idaacaduhu. Dawladdu waa inay u soo celiso hanaankii lagu diiwaangelin jiray warbaahinta cusub islamarkaana ay ogolaato in kuwa jira cid cusub lagu wareejin karo. Sidoo kale waa in xayiraadda laga qaado wargaysyada xayiran ee Haatuf, Somaliland Times, al Haatuf al Arabia, Hubsad iyo Codka Shacabka, iyo shabakadaha la xayiray;

Inay dib u habayn ku samayso Booliiska Somaliland oo ay ka dhigto booliis ay dacwadihiisa qaadi karaan maxkamadaha caadiga ah iyo inay samayso hanaan booliiska lagula xisaabtami karo;

Inay joojiso dadka loo xidhayo dacwadaha madaniga ah;

Inay joojiso xadhiga iyo haynta sharci darada ah. Waa in xadhiga dadka loo raaco si waafaqsan dastuurka iyo xeerarka kale ee dalka u yaal;

Inay hagaajiso xaaladaha saldhigyada boolioska.


Guleid Ahmed Jama

Gudoomiyaha Xarunta Xuquuqal Insaanka

Hargeysa Somaliland


Human Rights Center releases 2017 annual report on the situation of human rights in Somaliland

Every year on 9th December, the eve of the World Human Rights Day, Human Rights Center publishes an annual report on the situation of human rights in Somaliland. The purpose is to give attention to the human rights issues Somaliland faces and to provide recommendations to improve the situation.

This report is based on research conducted in Hargeisa, Burao, Borama, Berbera, Las Anod and Erigavo. Detainees, journalists, eye-witnesses, victims, family members, lawyers, internally displaced people and civil society members were interviewed for this report. Additionally, HRC has two databases to document human rights issues. One for the arrest, detention and prosecution of journalists and another which documents all human rights abuses.

The Republic of Somaliland declared separation from Somalia on 18th May 1991. Somaliland, a former British Protectorate, won its independence on 26 June 1960 and united with Somalia, an Italian colony, to form Somali Republic. The Somali Republic was a democratic country from 1960 to 1969 when the military took over the power in a coup. The military regime led by General Mohamed Siad Barre committed serious human rights violations. In 1991 the government collapsed after a decade of a bloody war. Somaliland announced its separation when the government of Siad Barre collapsed.

Somaliland has a working political system based on a multiparty system. The last presidential election took place on 13th November 2017 and was won by the ruling party candidate, Muse Behi Abdi. The election results declared on 21st November 2017 were disputed by Abdirahman Mohamed Abdilahi, an opposition contender who called it fraud. The international observers praised the election.

Our research found that the police continue to work in a militarized way and do not follow the law in conducting arrests and detentions. Because of absence of a police law, the institutions work under very few legal constraints. The civilian courts have no jurisdiction to hear cases against police officers and as a result there is little accountability. In 2017, the Human Rights Centre recorded a number of incidents where the police overstepped their mandate and abused their power.

Somaliland police do not have operating procedures on the rules of engagement on how and when to use their weapons. Inmates faced violence including beatings as well as verbal abuse during arrest. The police officers who conduct arrests use excessive force to apprehend suspects. HRC documented a number of injuries and deaths caused by the police in 2017. The incidents recorded by HRC include deaths caused by the police. The other problems with the police include:

Alarming sanitation, food and health care conditions of the overcrowded police stations;

Arrests without warrant are the norm in Somaliland and the judiciary does little to oversee this police power and ensure that constitutional rights are not violated;

Prolonged remand periods;

No access for lawyer to the police stations to meet clients and advise them of their legal rights;

Insufficient time for detainees and lawyers to prepare defense;

No disclosure of evidence before trial and as a result defense lawyers only learn what the state evidence is when it is presented to the court;

A majority of detainees prosecuted without lawyers;

The use of excessive force by the police and the military in post-election demonstrations that occurred on 15th November 2017. Four civilians died and at least 9 others were injured. All were hit by gun bullets fired by the police and the military, according to eyewitnesses and victims;

Arrests and detentions of people for civil issues including failure to pay debts.

The other human rights issues this report covers are:

Violence against women and girls including rape, domestic violence, female genital mutilation;

Rights of minority clans;

Intimidation of human rights defenders;

Arrest and prosecution of politicians; and

Detentions and prosecutions of journalists, as well as shutting down of media houses. During 2017, 25 journalists were detained in Somaliland and two of them were prosecuted. In addition the government blocked 6 websites. In the previous year (2016), 28 journalists were detained and 2 newspapers were closed down.



Human Rights Centre recommends the government of Somaliland to:

End the discrimination and stigmatization of the minority clans and provide services and affirmative actions;

End violence against women in Somaliland, and approve laws that protect women and girls. The required laws include a family law and sexual offences act;

Legislate law ending female genital mutilation;

Stop applying the criminal law to the media and journalists. Criminalization of media contradicts the Constitution and the Press Law of Somaliland as well as international human rights law. Civil laws and the Press Law shall be applied on all cases on media related issues;

Allow the opening of new media houses including radio stations. The government shall reinstate the registration process of new media houses and transfer of those owners who want to handover to new people. At the same time lift the suspension from banned newspapers of Haatuf, Somaliland Times, al Haatuf al Arabia, Hubsad and Codka Shacabka, as well as banned websites;

Reform the police of Somaliland to subject the police to the jurisdiction of the civilian courts and pass laws and procedures making the police accountable.

Stop the arrests and detentions of people for civil cases.

Stop all arbitrary arrests and detentions. The arrest and detentions should be based on the Constitution and the other laws of the country.

Improve the conditions of the police stations.


Guleid Ahmed Jama

Chairperson of Human Rights Centre, Hargeisa Somaliland

admin: #Arraale Mohamoud Jama is a freelance and investigative journalist, writer and human rights activist with more than 20 years of experience. He writes about a range of topics related to social issues such as human rights, politics and security. Other topics in which Mr. Arraale is interested include democracy and good governance. Mr. Arraale has written extensively on regional and international events, and has worked with Somaliland newspapers and Human rights organizations. In 2008, he established #Araweelo #News #website# Network, which he currently manages. For further information, please contact: Info@araweelonews.com or jaamac132@gmail.com Send an SMS or MMS to + 252 63 442 5380 whatsapp.com/ + 252 63 442 5380 /https://twitter.com/Araweelonews/https://www.facebook.com/Araweelonews/
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