Telesom dahabshiil
mubarak tanzil

Maamulaha Dahabshiil Group Oo Kulan La Yeeshay Madaxweynihii Hore Muuse Biixi

Araweelo_News_Network Hargeysa (ANN)-Maamulaha Shirkaddaha Dahabshiil Group Cabdirashiid Maxamed Siciid Ducaale (Dahabshiil) ayaa kulan booqasho ah ugu tegey Madaxwaynihii hore ee Somaliland ee lagaga guulaystay doorashadii 13 Nov 2024,  Muuse Biixi Cabdi. Kulanka ayaa ka dhacay Beerta uu deganyahay Madaxweynihii hore

Commentator & Analysis

Somaliland: How to Develop a policy governing storage, and dissemination of sensitive information

Develop a comprehensive policy governing the classification, storage, and dissemination of sensitive information Araweelo_News_Network The Somaliland government must take decisive and stringent measures to effectively control and monitor social media activities, particularly on platforms that are widely used by the

Culture and Religion

Somaliland Kumanaan Cajallado Lagu Duubay Codad Taariikh Xanbaarsan Oo Soo Jiitay Warbaahinta Caalamka

“Halka hadda loo yaqaan Somaliland waxay muddo dheer ahayd xudunta fanka iyo suugaanta – fanka oo door muhiim ah, xitaa door siyaasadeed ka ciyaara geeskan Afrika.” #Araweelo_News_Network. Hargeysa (ANN0 – Somaliland, ayaa soo bandhigtay waxyaabo cajiib ah oo taariikhi ah,