Wasiirkii Hore Ee Macdanta Xukuumaddii Marxuum Cigaal Oo Ah Khabiir Geology ah Oo Dibadda Soo Dhigay Boobka Sharci-dara Ah Ee Wasiirka Macdantu Ku Hayo Khayraadka Dalka

Araweelo News Network
“Minerals allegedly exported to China through Berbera port”

Mid ka mid ah qalabka deegaanka simadi ka gura macdanta

Hargeysa(ANN) Wasiirkii hore ee xiligii Marxuum Cigaal Macdanta iyo Biyaha Somaliland oo ah Khabiir Caalami ah Geology, isla markaana xog ogaal u ah Macdanta Somaliland iyo Somalia Eng. Axmed Bixi, ayaa qoraal dheer oo xanbaarsan qaabka Wasiirka Macdanta Somaliland u boobay khayraadka dalka kaga hadlay.
Eng. Biixi Qoraalkaa oo uu cadaymo baddan ku ladhay, isla markaana uu shebekadda Araweelo News Network soo gaadhsiiyay, wuxuu ku bilaabay sidan:-
” Kambani magaciisu yahay African Mining Corporation (ARC) oo ay wada leeyiin Kambani Jeyniis ah iyo xukoommada Somaliland ayaa ila iyo 2013 ka dhoofinaayey macdano kala jaad sida macdanta beryllium (beriiliyum oo qaaliga ah). Kambanigaas oo marnaba Wasaaradda Tamarta iyo Macdantu aanay wax rukhsad macdan baadhis ah siin (Exploration license) sida uu qeexayo Qodobka 28 ee Mining Law.

Bishii December 2014, ayaa Wasaaraddu waxay siisey ARC ruqsad macdan soo saarid ah(mining), sida uu qeexayo Qodobka 34 ee Mining Law. Qodobka 28 oo sheegaya Macdanta la heley xaddiga ay le’ag tahay oo khubarada joolojiyiintu cadeeyaan inay iib geli kareyso. Qodobkan la’aantiisa in macdan lasoo saara ma suuroo geleyso, taas oo burinaysa Qodobka 34 oo wasiir ugu ogalaaday ARC.
In kastoo Wasiiraddu ku adkeysanayso in aanay jirin macdan lasoo saaray oo laysan-ka lasii hayay uu yahay oo keliya macdan baadhis, balse waxa caddan ah in ARC dhoofisay macdan baddan.
Wasiirka Macdanta iyo Tamarta Somaliland Xuseen , ayaa is adag u beeninaya in aan macdan soo saarid(mining) jirin deegaanka Simode, isagoo ku sheegay marar dhawr ah warasiyo kooban oo uu siiyay warbaahinta uu la macaamilo ee maxaliga ah “in aanay macdan soosaari jirin. ARC waxa u Simodi wadaa sahan macdan baadhis. Waxaan u oggalaanay in Shiinaha loo dhoofiyo hal Container si ay u oggaadaan hawlaha ARC ka wado Simode. (that there is no mining operation is cuurently undergoing in Simode and ARC is doing exploration work under Exclusive Exploration Licenc they hold. The mInizter stated,” we allowed one container to be shipped to China for analyses and this can not be considerd of commercial value.)

In kasta oo Wasiiku si adag ugu andacooday in aanay macdan soo saarin ka bilaamin Somaliland, Haddana Mr. David oo ah maamulaha sharikada ARC, waxa uu qoraall ku tariikhysan 2 August, 2015, ku sheegey in uu China u dhoofiyay hal Kontaynar oo macdan ah, taas u ku tilmaamasay in ay taariikh ahaan bilaabantay macdan soo saarkii(mining) SL.
Xaqaaiq (b)
Wasiirka Tamarta iyo macdata oo u la socdo Agaasimaha Guud ee wasaaradda, DG waxa uu kormeer kusoo maray ilaha laga soo saaro macdanaha dalka Democratic Republic of Congo (DR) si uu fahmo qaabka mining lo maamulo? War oo siiyay Wasiirku website-ka Somalilandsun waxa uu yidhi”, waxaanun booqanay goobo baddan oo hadda macdanaha laga soo saaaro GoboLka Lubumbashi ee Democratic Republic of Congo. Waxaan ka heley macluumata waxa ku ool ah oo i hagaya sida loo maamulo macda soo saarito ( mining opreations) delkakeyga.” Quraalku Wasiiku, waxaan shaki laheyn in uu caddeynayo, isla markaana og yahay macdan soo saarista (mining opration) ka socda deegaanka Simodi ee galbeedka Somaliland, gaar ahaan gobolka Awdal.

Xaqaaiq (c)
The Minister stated that he granted ARC Exclusive Mining License on December 2015. Actually what he did was to legitimize the illegal mining ARC was conducting for many years in Simodi.
Xaqaaiq (d)

In mining heer sare ahi ka socdo Simodi waxa Markhaati u ah sawiradan.
sample of beryllium ore he crushers

The hood, ventilation

Electrical Control Board

The processing plant

Ore hauling &Excavation

As can discerned from the above table, ARC is exporting not only beryllium but also columbite (tantalite).

D. What is that being mined?
This part of the report is intended to show you how the Minister manipulated the system by Beryllium is obtained from two minerals.
1. Beryl (Be4 Si2O7 (OH)2 ),
This mineral is melted in industrial furnaces, solidified and crushed, then treated with sulfuric acid to produce a water-soluble sulfate.
2. Bertrandite ore is crushed, made into slurry and treated with sulfuric acid to form sulfate solutions which are subjected to a series of chemical extraction steps to produce extremely pure beryllium hydroxide free from all contaminants.
ARC is mining beryl using chemical processes to get 98% pure Be. Mining is done here at the site. This means that all contaminants are left in Somaliland soil.
Monetary value of the known minerals exported as is calculated as follows:
Minerals allegedly exported to China through Berbera port 17/8/2013 were:
1. Columbite
Average tantalite content of Somaliland columbite is 27%.
The value the monetary value of 7000 kg tantalite can be calculated as follows:
7000kg X27/100 X $300/kg = 567,000 dollars
1. Total beryllium exported (91204+3900+10) = 95,114 kg
2. Unrecorded buy admitted exported( 20+25 tons) X 1000 = 45,00 0 kg
Total % purified Be mined & exported = 140,114 kg
The monetary value of 140,114 kg purified beryllium can be calculated as follows:
140,114 kg X 1400$/kg = 196,159,600

Grand Total =196,726,600 dollars
Note 1.This excludes the 48 tons that the Chinese officials admitted they exported.
Note 2, There are a lot of discrepancies of the minerals exported between versions of the Ministry of Energy and the Chinese.
Note 3. License is granted for a company to mine one mineral at a time. It is clear is that ARC is privileged to mine minerals such as titanium, marbles and tantalite without authority to mine having no license for each of these minerals..

By. Eng. Axmed Biixi

Araweelo News Network
Somaliland Office
Email info@araweelonews.com
Twitter: Arraale M Jama @Araweelonews

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admin: #Arraale Mohamoud Jama is a freelance and investigative journalist, writer and human rights activist with more than 20 years of experience. He writes about a range of topics related to social issues such as human rights, politics and security. Other topics in which Mr. Arraale is interested include democracy and good governance. Mr. Arraale has written extensively on regional and international events, and has worked with Somaliland newspapers and Human rights organizations. In 2008, he established #Araweelo #News #website# Network, which he currently manages. For further information, please contact: Info@araweelonews.com or jaamac132@gmail.com Send an SMS or MMS to + 252 63 442 5380 whatsapp.com/ + 252 63 442 5380 /https://twitter.com/Araweelonews/https://www.facebook.com/Araweelonews/
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