Araweelo News Network.
The African continent never been experienced a serious and truth type of independence from it’s former European colonial powers. In 1960’s which is commonly known as the African year of independence was a plain deceptions of the century for the Africans because the white man have played trick plastics against Africans. They showed an empty images and a falsehood type independence towards Africans Nations.
The white colonizers have hired local traitors from each/every African country. they trained them very well and signed secret agreements which is too dangerous for the future of the African people. the European colonial powers have lastly made those African local traitors to hold powers of their countries whilst they showed falsehood images of independence to their ordinary African citizens . The innocent Africans chanted and danced for a falsehood types of independence in early , mid and late 1960’s. this is what I refer as ” deceptions of the century “.
To those brained washed Africans whom always hail for the so called unity of the African continent in the tittle of the so called ” USA”. which means the United states of Africans. The only man whom tried to change this dream into a reality was MAMMAR GADDAFI and he was lately eliminated by the European colonizers. this is the most simple example that shows us that the Africa continent still remains under colony.
Please answer for me these several questions, if you do believe that African continent is enjoying it’s own independence.
1.How can the Africa continent unite since all African countries based the European clinical made boundaries ?
2. How can the Africa continent unite whilst each/every African country depends politically, and economically to it’s former European colony ? E.g Mozambique depends on Portugal in every thing weather it’s directly or indirectly. This is called the modern Neo-colonialism project in the name of democracy and human rights.
3. How can the Africa continent unite whilst each/every African dictator built an evil cooperation and alliances with his country’s former colonizer (I.e the European or the western colonizer Nation ).
4. How can Africa continent unite whilst there is corruption, poverty, injustice and inequalities among the majority of the African countries in this continent ?
5. How can the African continent unite whilst the long liberated African countries remain the most poorest countries in the continent whilst those countries whom liberated later remain richer ( I.e south Africa & Namibia). Though , those countries whom gained their independence in late period never hail for the so called unity of the African continent.
Before the so called of the African unity first let us liberate ourselves in three African obstacles that prevent us to be an independent African continent.
A. the local enemy which is the corruptions, ego-centrism and the bad corrupted Africana leaders whom are serving as traitors for the white colonial master Powers.
B. Depending for the colonial made legacies in the African ego-polotics systems and the educations.
C. unwanted wars caused a polottical crisis in the African Nations, and tribalism in the African continent. And let us stop depending on humanitarian Aid and borrowing debts from western imperialists.
By. Dr.Ahmed Hasan Saalah