
The situation in Somaliland is indeed precarious, with multiple external and internal factors converging to create a challenging environment for the country’s future. Here’s a deeper analysis of the various points we raised:

1. Egypt’s Military Support to Somalia:

The recent delivery of weapons and ammunition to Mogadishu by Egypt signals a clear intent to bolster Somalia’s military capabilities. Egypt’s involvement in the region is driven by its larger geopolitical interests, particularly in countering Ethiopia’s growing influence in the Horn of Africa, including its control over the Nile River’s waters through the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD). By supporting Somalia, Egypt positions itself against Ethiopia, and indirectly, against Somaliland.

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Click to access The-Regional-Alliance-Against-Somaliland-22924-1.pdf

Writen by Eng. Abdi Ali Barkhad. first published this article on Araweelo News Network.Eng. Barkhad a Independent Political Analyst, who is a writer and industrial engineer, who comments on the politics of the Horn of Africa and international relations, and has published many articles on the Araweelo News Network. as well as well-crafted articles analyzing current policiesHorn of Africa region. and is a great supporter of the cause of the Republic of Somaliland.

Eng. Abdi Ali barkhad E mail: tra50526@gmail.com