Somalia: Risk of Weapons Falling into Extremist Hands



The recent military shipment from Egypt to Somalia is especially alarming because it comes at a time when Somalia’s security forces remain fragmented and heavily influenced by clan-based dynamics. Here are several key points that deepen the concern over Egypt’s involvement in arming Somalia:

1. Clan-Based Military Structure

Somalia lacks a cohesive national army. Instead, its security forces are largely built around clan militias, with the Hawiye clan wielding significant control over military assets, especially in Mogadishu. The Hawiye have traditionally held sway over the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS), which heightens concerns that any military aid could disproportionately benefit them. This could inflame tensions with other clans, such as the Darod and the Rahanweyn make up the majority in the southwestern regions of Bay, Bakool, and Lower Shabelle. who control federal states like Puntland,southwest and Jubaland.and the introduction of new military hardware could tilt the balance of power and lead to more open confrontation between the FGS and regional states.

2. Risk of Weapons Falling into Extremist Hands

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Writen by Eng. Abdi Ali Barkhad. first published this article on Araweelo News Network.Eng. Barkhad a Independent Political Analyst, who is a writer and industrial engineer, who comments on the politics of the Horn of Africa and international relations, and has published many articles on the Araweelo News Network. as well as well-crafted articles analyzing current policies Horn of Africa region. and is a great supporter of the cause of the Republic of Somaliland.

Eng. Abdi Ali barkhad E mail: