
Somaliland presents an instructive counterpoint to the broader Somali experience, offering insights into the effects of different political ideologies, state-building strategies, and social dynamics.

While Somalia has struggled with persistent state failure driven by clannism and Wahhabi-inspired political Islam, Somaliland has achieved relative stability, functional governance, and a degree of democratic progress.

This difference is not merely a product of geography or resources but a reflection of distinct historical trajectories, political frameworks, and the absence of radical ideologies. Understanding these differences helps highlight why Somaliland’s state-building efforts have succeeded where Somalia’s have failed.

Somalia’s Political Landscape: Since the fall of Siad Barre’s regime in 1991, Somalia has been trapped in a cycle of state collapse, warlordism, and radical Islamist insurgencies. Political clannism, in combination with competing visions of Islamic governance (e.g., al-Shabaab’s strict Wahhabism), has created a fragmented political environment. The lack of a unifying national vision or stable political institutions has prevented the formation of a functioning state.

Somaliland’s Path: In

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Writen by Eng. Abdi Ali Barkhad. first published this article on Araweelo News Network.Eng. Barkhad a Independent Political Analyst, who is a writer and industrial engineer, who comments on the politics of the Horn of Africa and international relations, and has published many articles on the Araweelo News Network. as well as well-crafted articles analyzing current policies Horn of Africa region. and is a great supporter of the cause of the Republic of Somaliland.

Eng. Abdi Ali barkhad E mail: tra50526@gmail.com