• Russia has been expanding its involvement in Africa, establishing security and economic partnerships with various nations.

The U.S. opposition to the Somaliland-Ethiopia Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) reflects broader regional dynamics. The U.S. has historically supported the concept of a unified Somalia, largely for reasons related to counter-terrorism, stability, and political alignment in the Horn of Africa. This policy stems from its broader objective to ensure regional security, particularly with the persistent threat of al-Shabaab in Somalia. By backing Somalia’s sovereignty claim, the U.S. seeks to prevent any fragmentation that could destabilize the already fragile state. However, this stance fails to acknowledge Somaliland’s three-decade history of stability, democratic governance, and de jure independence from Somalia.

The MOU, which would allow Ethiopia access to the Red Sea via Somaliland’s Berbera port, holds significant,

The views expressed in this article belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy of Araweelo News Network

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