Does TikTok matter all that much, or is it just a distraction?

In this election campaign, the Kulmiye party tends to spend its money on the Tiktok campaign in lieu of the traditional ways of politicians-speaking-to camera. Yes, it is pretty cheap to deliver certain political memes or ads through TikTok when you are targeting young viewers. But how far a flashy video content like the President pushing a car out of mud or a one-minute Tiktok clip of the president telling a camel-riding child to get down from it for his safety, could be a meaningful political advertisement for the voters?
An effective political campaign is the one that gets supporters to stop looking at their phone screens and engage in real political events. It is not about stream of memes or making funny, light-hearted jokes about serious national issues in these decisive moments. It is about conveying pragmatic messages that resonate. Messages about initiatives and solutions to the soaring inflation, joblessness, health and to all social stresses.

By  Mohammed Ahmed  Bacluul.

The views expressed in this article belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy of Araweelo News Network