Capacity to Enter into Relations with Other States




Criteria for Statehood
The question of statehood and recognition is complex, especially in cases like Somaliland. To determine whether Somaliland should be recognized as a state, it’s essential to apply international law criteria, examine its history, and consider geopolitical dynamics.
Criteria for Statehood
The most widely accepted criteria for determining statehood are derived from the Dec.26 1933 Montevideo Convention on the Rights and Duties of States. According to this convention, a state must possess the following characteristics:
1. A Permanent Population: Somaliland has a stable population of around 6 million people.
2. Defined Territory: Somaliland controls a well-defined territory corresponding to the borders of the former British Somaliland protectorate.
3. Government: Somaliland has a functioning government that has maintained peace and stability for over three decades.
4. Capacity to Enter into Relations with Other States: Somaliland has shown a willingness to engage in international diplomacy, even though it lacks formal recognition.

Historical Context
Somaliland voluntarily united

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Click to access Criteria-for-Statehood-41024.pdf

Writen by Eng. Abdi Ali Barkhad. first published this article on Araweelo News Network.Eng. Barkhad a Independent Political Analyst, who is a writer and industrial engineer, who comments on the politics of the Horn of Africa and international relations, and has published many articles on the Araweelo News Network. as well as well-crafted articles analyzing current policies Horn of Africa region. and is a great supporter of the cause of the Republic of Somaliland.

Eng. Abdi Ali barkhad E mail: