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Category: Somaliland

Total 1487 Posts

Egypt Opens New Front against Ethiopia with Somalia Deal

> Somaliland’s Unclear Status Raises Specter of Proxy War > The UAE has interests in both Somaliland and Somalia, but their interests in Somaliland #Araweelo_News_Network SITUATION REPORTS East Africa By Alec Soltes   Egypt has announced a new security arrangement with Somalia,

Hindiya  Oo Usoo hanqaltaagay Saldhig Millateri Oo Ay Ku Yeelato Somaliland

Warbaahinta Hindiya Maxay Ka Tidhi Damaca Qorshayaasha Iyo Dhiirigelinta Caalamka Ee Aqoonsiga Somaliland #Araweelo_News_Network New Delhi (ANN)-Warbaahinta dalka hindiya ayaa si weyn u qaada dhigay xidhiidhka taariikheed ,dhaqan dhaqaale ee soo jireenka ahaa ee ka dhaxayeeyey hindiya iyo Somaliland .sidoo

Somaliland expels Egyptian diplomats from its country

The Building of the Egyptian Cultural Library in Hargeisa has been closed #Araweelo_News_Network Hargeisa (ANN)The Somaliland government has closed the doors of the Egyptian cultural library in Hargeisa, the capital of Somaliland. Diplomats in the building of the library have

We will soon hand over the keys of Paradise to the person who will lead the country, said King Osman Burmadaw

  #Araweelo_News_Network Hargeisa (ANN)-King Osman Aw Mohamud Buurmadow, who spoke about many issues concerning Somaliland elections and the future.   He said that we will soon give him the key to Paradise, and Habar Jeclo recently gave him the key

The Djibouti regime is facing increasing challenges

Djibouti suggest that the regime may even be planning false flag operations to justify military action against western Somaliland #Araweelo_News_Network Djibiuti (ANN)-The Djibouti regime is facing increasing challenges, with economic pressures mounting and a growing sense of insecurity taking hold.

Somaliland the opposition fear of another a Political Crisis

> MP Mohamed Abib Arrested by the government, the opposition described it as a violation of the law and Fears Of Political Tensions > MP Mohamed Abib openly and boldly criticizes the government of President Bihi for weakening the country,

Ceergaabo Baaq Nabadeed Oo Loo Riyaaqay

    #Araweelo_News_Network Ceergaabo(ANN)-Magaalada Ceergaabo ee xarunta gobolka Sanaag ayaa lagaga dhawaaqay Fagaaraha Beetta Nuura Baaq nabadeed oo lagu daminayo Collaada maalmihii u danbeeyay ka aloosantay oo sababtay dhimasho tobaneeyo qof, taas oo abuurtay jawi xasiloonidaro oo ku khasbay inay

Djibouti invited Ethiopia to the port of Tadjourah to removed MoU Somaliland-Ethiopia

    #Araweelo_News_Network   Djibouti (ANN)- The government of Djibouti has clearly stated that it has ended the conflict between Ethiopia and Somalia, and the solution to the issue is on the table of President Ismail Omar Guelle. Djibouti’s Minister

Open letter to Blinken U.S. Department of State Office of the Secretary

  #Araweeelo_News_Network   The Honorable Antony J.  Blinken U.S. Department of State Office of the Secretary, Room 7226 Harry S. Truman Building 2201 C Street, NW Washington D.C. 20520 August 29,2024 Dear Secretary Blinken: My name is Hassan Mogeh Hirsi,

Somaliland, the state eager to become the world’s next country, by The Economist

Inside Somaliland, the state eager to become the world’s next country, by The Economist report.   #Araweelo_News_Network. The National day in Somaliland means joy, pomp and machines of war. On May 18th the president and assembled dignitaries watched, from the