Category: Somaliland
The request of the President of the Federal Government of Somalia to lift the arms embargo has brought scandal to the Security Council and the United States
Shocking, leaked documents reveal evidence of the incident, including uniforms, military boots, AK-47 rifles, American rifles, and ammunition. That the federal government of Somalia should be helped in the fight against Al-Shabab, but instead it was distributed to militias affiliated
Xuska 26ka June iyo Ciidamadii Somaliland Scouts Oo La Maamuusay
#Araweelo_News_News Xuska 26ka June iyo Ciidamadii Somaliland Scouts oo la maamuusay Hargeysa(ANN)-Munaasibad aad u qurux baddan oo lagu xusayay Sannad Guurada 63aad ee madaxbannaanida Somaliland 26 June 1960, ayaa lagu qabtay Hudheelka Crown ee Hargeysa. Munaasibadan oo si gaar
#Somaliland: Madaxweyne Biixi Oo Magcaabis Iyo Isku Beddel Ku Sameeyay Masuulyiin Xukuumadda Ah
#Araweelo_News_Network. Hargeysa(ANN)-Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland, Muuse Biixi Cabdi, ayaa soo saaray digreetooyin magcaabis iyo isku beeddel uu ku sameeyay masuuliyiin xukuumadda ah. Digreetada Madaxweyaha oo ku taariikhaysan Axad 25 Jun 2023, ayaa u dhignayd sidan: Halkan ka akhri. Please share with
The Ministry of Defense of Somaliland issued a press release on the Battle of Las Anod
#Araweelo_News_Network. The Ministry of Defense of Somaliland issued a press release on the Battle of Las Anod. Hargeisa(ANN)-The press release of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Somaliland regarding the war that took place today in
Call for the Recognition of Somaliland
#Araweelo_News_Network. Call for the Recognition of Somaliland, Wrote By Dr. Gai Chol Paul, the Chairman of People United Forum. Juba(ANN)-“We believe that recognizing Somaliland will not only provide a stable framework for the entire region but will also enhance
The conflict in Garoowe Town
#Araweelo_News_Network. The conflict in Garoowe Town. The people of the town of Garoowe were punished for a conspiracy they had participated in directing and introducing in the town of LasAnod. It all began in the city called LasAnod, located
Somalia: Madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh Oo Taageero U Raadinaya In Laga Qaado Soomaliya Cunaqataynta Hubka
Araweelo_News_Network. Washington(ANN)-Madaxweynaha dawladda Faderaalka ee Soomaaliya Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud ayaa dalabaday in cunaqabataynta hubka laga qaado Soomaaliya, isagoo dalabkaa u gudbiyay gollaha amaanka, kaddib markii uu Arbacadii shalay la kulmay Xoghayaha Difaaca Maraykanka Lloyd J. Austin. Kulankaa oo ka dhacay
#Puntland: Xaaladda #Garoowe
#Araweelo_News_Network. Garoowe(ANN)- Magaalada Garoowe ee xarrunta maamul goboleedka Soomaaliya ee Puntland, ayaa laga dareemayay maanta deganaansho, kaddib markii Salaasadii shalay dagaal hubka culus laysu adeegsaday oo sababay khasaare dhimasho iy qax uu ka dhacay. Dagaalka ayaa u dhexeeyay Madaxweyne
Puntland: The war that caused losses and exploded in Garowe
Garowe(ANN)- A war has started in Garowe, the headquarters of the Somali Regional Government in Puntland, and reports say that there has been a loss of life and a large number of injuries have been taken to private and government
Somaliland is commemorating its 63rd anniversary of independence
#Araweelo_News_Network. On Monday 26 June 2023, Somaliland is commemorating its 63rd anniversary of independence Five weeks ago on 18th May 2023, the nation of Somaliland happily celebrated the 32nd anniversary of re-asserting its independence which marked the end of the