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Category: Somaliland

Total 1487 Posts

Ethiopia accuses Somaliland of fueling clan conflicts”The two countries had reached agreement whit a sea and a military Base

Ethiopia accuses Somaliland of fueling clan conflicts”The two countries had reached an agreement to provide landlocked Ethiopia with a sea outlet and a military base, although this agreement has yet to advance.” #Araweelo _News _Network Hargeisa (ANN)-The Ethiopian media reported

Security Council Endorses New African Union Support Mission in Somalia

“Japan’s representative welcomed the recently signed Declaration between Somalia and Ethiopia.” Meetings Coverage and Press Releases by Security Council.   #Araweelo _News _Network Press Releases New York (ANN)-The Security Council today endorsed the African Union Peace and Security Council’s decision

A Case Study of the Dacawalay “Massacre” Somali Regional Ethiopia

“Ethnic Violence and Governance Breakdown in Ethiopia’s Somali Regional State: A Case Study of the Dacawalay Massacre” “The administration of President Mustafe Cagjar. This persecution has manifested in mass killings, the destruction of villages, forced displacements, and the weaponization of

Dacawalay: Analyzing the Humanitarian Crisis and Underlying Causes of Conflict in Regional Somali Ethiopia

    Escalating Violence in Somali Regional Ethiopia     #Araweelo_News_Network Dacawalay: Analyzing the Humanitarian Crisis and Underlying Causes of Conflict in Ethiopia’s Somali Regional State The recent conflict in the Dacawalay region of the Somali Regional State in Ethiopia

Mashaqadii Dacawaley Mawaaqifka Kala Fog Ee Somaliland Iyo Saraakiisha Nabadgeyada Deegaanka Soomaalida Ethiopia

#Araweelo_News_Network Hargeysa(ANN)- Xukuumadda Somaliland ayaa ka hadashay wefti uu Hoggaaaminayay Wasiirka Amniga Gudaha Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland  Cabdalle Maxamed Carab oo kasoo laabtay  Magalada Jigjiga ee Degaanka Maamulka Soomalida Ethiopia, iyadoo laba dhinac war-saxaafadeedyo kala fog mid walba dhankiisa usoo saaray. Wefdiga

Somaliland: Xukuumadda Oo Xasuuq Ku Tilmaantay Mashaqada Deegaanka Dacawaley Ee Guddaha Ethiopia

#Araweelo_News_Network. Hargeysa(ANN)- Xukuumadda Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland ayaa a hadashay mashaqada dagaalka mar kale ka qarxay deegaanka Dacawalay ee maamul goboleedka Soomaalida Ethiopia ee Kililka shaanaad, iyadoo dad shacab ah oo kasoo jeeda isir ahaan dhanka Somaliland, balse dadka deegaanka ah ay

Critique of the Heritage Institute’s Position on Somaliland

This article critiques HIPS’s position on Somaliland, examining the biases in its approach and the implications for Somaliland’s quest for international recognition. Critique of the Heritage Institute’s Position on Somaliland’s Quest for Self-Determination By Mustafe Jambir Published: Araweelo_News_Network Introduction The

A high-level American delegation visited Somaliland

  #Araweelo _News_Network Hargeisa (ANN) -A high delegation from the United States of America arrived today in the capital of Somaliland, Hargeisa, after landing at the Egal International Airport , where the outgoing president of Somaliland, Muse Bihi Abdi, and

The Risult of outcome Somaliland Elections Evaluation Conference

#Araweelo_News_Network Hargeisa (ANN)-The National Electoral Commission (NEC) has concluded a review and evaluation meeting of the Somaliland presidential elections and the national parties held on 13 November 2024 in the country. The evaluation and review meeting of the elections opened

Dahabshiil Group International Company played a major role in the 8th converence Heritage

#Araweelo_News_Network Djibouti (ANN)-The Dahabshiil Group International Company played a major role in the 8th converence Heritage, by held in Djibouti, this year meeting focusing on strengthening the stability of the Horn of Africa region. Dahabshiil Group’s Head of Public Relations,