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Category: Somaliland

Total 1489 Posts

Urgent Need to Uphold Parliamentary Privilege and Immunity

    #Araweelo_News_Network. Subject: Urgent Need to Uphold Parliamentary Privilege and Immunity Dear Hon. Mr. Speaker, I write with deep concern about the blatant and persistent disregard for Parliamentary Privileges and Immunities by the executive branches and certain Members of


    #Araweelo_News_Network. “IS THE KULMIYE PARTY REGAINING ITS CAMPAIGN MOMENTUM?”   Kulmiye party has an outstanding performances and successful electoral victories over the past two presidential election. Also on the coming elections 13th November 2024, as usual the party

Somalilanders they hope off Safe elections com on 13th November

  Peacefully Elections 13th November 2024 #Araweelo_News_Network.   As Somalilanders head to the polls on November 13th 2024 to choose their next president, these elections represent a critical juncture for strengthening the Somaliland’s democratic progress and governance standards. Three decades

Somaliland- Ethiopia have agreed on several issues

#Araweelo_News_Network   Hargeisa(ANN)-The Somaliland Government and the Federal Government of Ethiopia have agreed on a number of issues pertaining to trade operations.accoding to statment Minisry of Foigein affairs Somaliland Dr. Essa Abdirahman Mohamoud Kayd. This issue has come after a

US Ambassador to Somalia Mr. Richard awarded a certificate of honor to Hussein In Somaliland

    #Araweelo_News_Network. The US ambassador to Somalia Mr. Richard, who visited Somaliland this week, presented a certificate of honor to Ahmed Yousuf Hussein, a member of Somaliland’s civil society. Especially those who activist for  human rights. The purpose of

Ethiopia; In-depth: Underlying proliferation of armed conflicts and worsening security crisis

#Araweelo_News_Network. Ethiopia’s security crisis requires a comprehensive approach to addressing historical grievances, marginalization, and power distribution as conflicts stem from political, economic, and social grievances among various groups.” Ethiopian Experts state Analysis  Ploiticals   Writen By Abdi Biyenssa @ABiyenssa  

Garnaqsigii Prof Samatar Iyo Goya-khaakhlayntii Dhalinyarada Sheegtay Dhaqanka Ku Cusub Siyaasadda Ee Inqilaabka Hilaac

#Araweelo_News_Network Saint Paul US (ANN)-Guddoomiyiha Urur Siyaasadeedka Hilaac, Prof Axmed ismaaciil Samatar, ayaa ka jawaabay dhawaaqa dhalinyarada sheegtay innay Ururka hoggaankiisii la wareegeen. Arrintan oo noqotay dhaqan cusub oo kusoo biiray siyaasadda in Guddoomiyihii aasaasay Ururka oo dalka ka maqan

Guddoomiyihii Ururka Hilaac Prof Samatar Oo Lagala Wareegay Hoggaaminta Ururka

Inqilaabka Prof. Samatar Arrin Ku Cusub Dhaqanka Siyaasadda Somaliland Ee Ururada #Araweelo_News_Network   Hargeysa(ANN)-Xubno ka mid ah Xubnaha hoggaanka Urur Siyaasadeedka Hilaac ee kusoo baxay tartanka Ururada Siyaasadda Somaliland, isla markaana xilligan isu diyaarinayay in Ururkoodu ka qaybgalo tartanka doorashooyinka

Djibouti: IGAD met with the leader of SSC Khatumo and discusses with Somaliland prisoners

   #Araweelo News Network:     Djibouti (ANN)- The leader of Las Anod administration of SSC, Khatumo Abduqadir Firdhiye, who is visiting Djibouti, after receiving an invitation from the President of Djibouti, Ismail Omar Guelleh. met the leaders of IGAD.

“Australia should recognise Somaliland” The strategist Policy Institute for Australia

  “Recognising Somaliland would be in Australia’s interest”Australia Strategic Plocy Institute ISPI   #Araweelo_News_Network: Australia should recognise Somaliland, a territory that is claimed by Somalia but has asserted its independence since 1991. No country recognises Somaliland as independent, but if