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Category: Ethiopia

Total 1204 Posts

Ethiopia has signed New a MoU of understanding worth millions of dollars

#Araweelo_News_Network Addis Ababa(ANN)-Ethiopia plans to build the largest airport in Africa at a cost of several million dollars. affected life. The company named DAR and Ethiopian Airlines announced the memorandum of understanding for the project in Addis Ababa, the capital

Djibouti President Omar Guelleh is punishing the people for the political conflict between Somaliland.

  The warning of terrorist attacks was completely set up by the Djibouti regime to target a specific ethnic group   #Araweelo_News_Network.     For some time now, there has been tension between the power of Muse Bihi Abdi and

Ethiopian Bank Auctions Foreign Currency To Combat Exchange Rate of US Dollar

#Araweelo_News_Network Addis Ababa  (ANN)- The government of Ethiopia, which is dealing with the devaluation of its currency, has imposed a new order that the state bank will be able to control the exchange of the dollar and its currency. “The

Sidee u daryeeli kartaa ilkahaaga?

#Araweelo_News_Network Ma leedahay cirrid xasaasi ah, ama Ilkahaaga xal ma la doonaysaa si aad kalsooni ugu dhoola cadayso? Ma waxaad gabi ahaanba la liidataa xanuunada ilkaha , sida Suuska iyo dhagaxa ku dhasha Ilkaha? Ma waxaad tahay caajis subaxdii oo

Ethiopia: Xukuumadda Oo Qaybinay Malaayiin Litir Oo Saliid Sunflower Ee Cuntada

#Araweelo_News_Network ADDIS ABABA Ethiopia, (ANN)- Xukuumadda Dalka Ethiopia, ayaa qaybinay  Malaayiin Litir oo Saliid, taas unflowe nooca saliida Cuntada loo isticmaalo ee sunflower oo lagu iibinayo qiime aad u hooseeya, iyadoo uu jiro sicir barar saamayn ku yeeshay nollosha Bulshada

Dahabshiil Company is keen to expand its Ethiopian presence

        #Araweelo_News_Network   HARNESSING THE DIASPORA Hargeisa (ANN)- Dahabshiil targets Ethiopia expansion after M‑Pesa Safaricom partnership, Abdirashid Duale says.   Abdirashid Duale sees remittances as a key driver of development in sub-Saharan Africa. Dahabshiil is keen to

Ethiopian PM Abiy has talked about the serious problems of private banks

    #Araweelo_News_Network.   Addis Ababa (ANN)-Ethiopian PM Abiy Ahmed urged private banks to think about merging to become stronger. He criticized the current situation, where there are over 30 private banks, which he called “kiosks.” He encouraged these banks

DP World scored another win its ongoing legal wrangle with the Government of Djibouti

  “The authorities in Djibouti have repeatedly shown an utter contempt for the rule of law and the norms of good business, with no respect for legal agreements. is bad for business,” said a spokesman from DP World. #Araweelo_News_Network  

The UAE and Djibouti held a meeting to discuss the relationship between the two countries

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Djibouti visited the UAE #Araweelo_News_Network Dubai (ANN)- The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Djibouti, Mahamoud Ali Youssouf, made a surprise visit to the UAE and held a meeting with the Deputy Minister of Foreign

Ethiopia and Kuwait have a dispute over workers

  Kuwait rejected Ethiopian Federal Goverment Request #Araweelo_News_Network. Kuwait City (ANN)-Kuwait and the Government of Ethiopia disagreed on a request to increase the salary of Ethiopians working in Kuwait, which is one of the richest countries in the Gulf, but