Category: DJibouti
Djibouti invited Ethiopia to the port of Tadjourah to removed MoU Somaliland-Ethiopia
#Araweelo_News_Network Djibouti (ANN)- The government of Djibouti has clearly stated that it has ended the conflict between Ethiopia and Somalia, and the solution to the issue is on the table of President Ismail Omar Guelle. Djibouti’s Minister
The Situation of Erigavo and the Crisis of Conflict
The problem of conflict has an ugly face #Araweelo_News_Network. Erigavo (ANN)-Erigavo city, the capital of Sanaag region in Somaliland , in the past 48 hours, there have been successive killings that seemed to increase the tension of war and
Dahabshiil Oo Ku Guulaystay Abaalmarinta Caalamiga Ah Ee Bangiga Ugu Wanaagsan
#Araweelo_News_Network. Addis Ababa (ANN)-Bangiga Caalamiga ah ee Dahabshiil ayaa ku guuleystay abaalmarinta Bangiga ugu wanagsan adeegyadda Technology-yadda Casriga ah “Best Bank of IT Integration and Innovative Products,” abaalamrinta oo ay bixiso Xarunta Al Huda ee Bangiyadda Islaamka iyo Dhaqaallaha (Al
Somalia, PM Hamse Abdi Barre pointed out the failure of his government in the agreement between Ethiopia and Somaliland
#Araweelo_News_Network Mugadishu (ANN)- The Prime Minister of Somalia, Hamse Abdi Barre, spoke about the end of the political collapse that resulted from the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Federal Government of Ethiopia and Somaliland. Prime Minister
UK government has warned of the situation in the Horn of Africa and the increased risks
“UK endorsement of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed between Ethiopia and Somaliland might be a strategic move to,, “James Kariuki,UK envoy for UN. #Araweelo_News_Network. New York (ANN)-The UK’s deputy envoy to the United Nations, James Kariuki,
Turkey has encouraged Ethiopia to abandon the Somaliland Agreement on Port Access.
Ankara has been warned against interfering in the agreement between Ethiopia and Somaliland #Araweelo_News_Network. Ankara (ANN)-The Turkish government, which is deeply involved in Somalia, has opened a dialogue on the issue with Ethiopia and Somalia, expecting that
Djibouti President Omar Guelleh is punishing the people for the political conflict between Somaliland.
The warning of terrorist attacks was completely set up by the Djibouti regime to target a specific ethnic group #Araweelo_News_Network. For some time now, there has been tension between the power of Muse Bihi Abdi and
Sidee u daryeeli kartaa ilkahaaga?
#Araweelo_News_Network Ma leedahay cirrid xasaasi ah, ama Ilkahaaga xal ma la doonaysaa si aad kalsooni ugu dhoola cadayso? Ma waxaad gabi ahaanba la liidataa xanuunada ilkaha , sida Suuska iyo dhagaxa ku dhasha Ilkaha? Ma waxaad tahay caajis subaxdii oo
Dahabshiil Company is keen to expand its Ethiopian presence
#Araweelo_News_Network HARNESSING THE DIASPORA Hargeisa (ANN)- Dahabshiil targets Ethiopia expansion after M‑Pesa Safaricom partnership, Abdirashid Duale says. Abdirashid Duale sees remittances as a key driver of development in sub-Saharan Africa. Dahabshiil is keen to
Open Letter to the East African Countries
#Araweelo_News_Network. Open Letter to the East African Countries: Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, South Sudan, and Ethiopia. Subject: A Call for Recognition of Somaliland’s Independence: Ensuring Stability and Prosperity in the Horn of Africa. To the Esteemed Leaders of