Category: Somalia
Djibouti invited Ethiopia to the port of Tadjourah to removed MoU Somaliland-Ethiopia
#Araweelo_News_Network Djibouti (ANN)- The government of Djibouti has clearly stated that it has ended the conflict between Ethiopia and Somalia, and the solution to the issue is on the table of President Ismail Omar Guelle. Djibouti’s Minister
Mogadishu: the government of Hassan Sheikh demanded UN that Ambassador James Swan continue to govern Somalia
The first phase of UNSOM a new name – United Nations Assistance Transition Mission in Somalia (UNATMIS or UNTRASOM) and a new mandate #Araweelo_News_Network. Mogdishu Somalia, (ANN)-The government of Somalia requested the presence and support of the United Nations in
Ethiopia has increased its plans to Grand Dam, and the Egyptian crisis in the region has increased
#Araweelo_News_Network Addis Ababa (ANN)- Ethiopia said it has more than doubled electricity production from its controversial mega-dam on the Blue Nile after two more turbines started operations. Ethiopia’s government says it has doubled the power output of
The Situation of Erigavo and the Crisis of Conflict
The problem of conflict has an ugly face #Araweelo_News_Network. Erigavo (ANN)-Erigavo city, the capital of Sanaag region in Somaliland , in the past 48 hours, there have been successive killings that seemed to increase the tension of war and
Diyaaraddaha Millateriga Masar Oo Ka Degey Muqdisho
#Araweelo_News_Network. Muqdisho(ANN)-Diyaaraddaha Millateriga ee Masar, ayaa ka degay maanta Madaarka Muqdisho, iyadoo la xaqiijiyay inay laba ka mid ah diyaaradooddaha noocoodu yahay C-130, oo ay leyihiin Millateriga Masar ka degeen halkaa, sida ay warbaahinta maxaliga ah baahisay muuqaalo laga duubay.
The “paper war” initiated by Villa Somalia against Somaliland
The “paper war” initiated by Villa Somalia against Somaliland #Araweeelo_News_Network The Villa Somalia regime is engaged in what can be described as a “paper war,” focusing on efforts to undermine Somaliland’s status and institutions through a series of official instructions
Dahabshiil Oo Ku Guulaystay Abaalmarinta Caalamiga Ah Ee Bangiga Ugu Wanaagsan
#Araweelo_News_Network. Addis Ababa (ANN)-Bangiga Caalamiga ah ee Dahabshiil ayaa ku guuleystay abaalmarinta Bangiga ugu wanagsan adeegyadda Technology-yadda Casriga ah “Best Bank of IT Integration and Innovative Products,” abaalamrinta oo ay bixiso Xarunta Al Huda ee Bangiyadda Islaamka iyo Dhaqaallaha (Al
Ethiopia Criticized Somalia’s Policy Regarding the MoU Agreement in Somaliland
#Araweelo_News_Network. Addis Ababa (ANN)- The Federal Government of Ethiopia spoke about the political failure of the Federal Government of Somalia and President Hassan Sheikh’s failure in the talks with Turkey. Adem Farah, Head of the Coordination Center
Somalia Oo Awaamiir Culus Kusoo Rogtay Shirkaddaha iyo Ganacsiyada Gaarka Loo Leeyahay
#Araweelo_News_Network. Muqdisho(ANN)-Dawladda Federaalka ee Somalia ayaa Awaamiir culus kusoo rogtay Shirkaddaha gaarka loo leeyahay iyo ganacsiyada ka hawlgala Somalia, kuwaas oo lagu amray inay si degdeg ah u fuliyaan. Tallaabooyinka dawladda Federaalka ee Somalia iyo awaaniirta
Open letter to Blinken U.S. Department of State Office of the Secretary
#Araweeelo_News_Network The Honorable Antony J. Blinken U.S. Department of State Office of the Secretary, Room 7226 Harry S. Truman Building 2201 C Street, NW Washington D.C. 20520 August 29,2024 Dear Secretary Blinken: My name is Hassan Mogeh Hirsi,