Category: Somalia
#US #EU iyo #AU ayaa Farriimo Hanjanaad Ah U Diray Dhinacyada Ku Dagaalamaya #Suudaan
#Araweelo_News_Network: Kampala (ANN)- Midowga Yurub, AU, Maraykanka ayaa farriimo hanjabaad ah u diray dhinacyada ku dagaalanaya Suudaan. Waxay sheegeen in dagaalka Suudaan iyo xiisadda Soomaaliya kala dhexaysa Ethiopia ay halis ku tahay xasiloonida Geeska Afrika. Midowga Afrika, Midowga Yurub, Qaramada
#Ethiopia has prepared Turkish Drones and Su-30 Russian fighter jets
The Inducts of Ethiopian warplanes coincided with the escalation of tensions in the region #Araweelo_News_Network. Addis-Ababa (ANN)-The Ethiopian Air Force Command has taken over the Akinci drone and the Russian Sukhoi Su-30 fighter jets. At the handover event, two Su-30
Maraykanka Midawga Yurub Iyo AU Oo Wadajir Uga Hadlay Xiisadda Ka Dhalatay Heshiiska Somliland -Ethiopia
Maraykanka Midawga Yurub Iyo Midawga Afrika Oo Wadajir Uga Hadlay Xiisadda Ka Dhalatay Heshiiska Somliland -Ethiopia #Araweelo_News_.Network. Kampala (ANN)- Maraykanka, Midawga Yurub, Ururka Midawga Afrika iyo Urur goboleedka IGAD, ayaa ka Digay xiisadda ka Dhalatay Heshiiska Somaliland iyo Ethiopia, kaas
#Diverted Priorities: The #Arab League’s Disturbing Indifference to #Gaza Amidst Dubious #Engagements with #Somaliland-Ethiopia
Diverted Priorities: The #Arab League’s Disturbing Indifference to #Gaza Amidst Dubious Engagements with #Somaliland-Ethiopia #Araweelo_News_Netwok Written by Gulaid Yusuf Idaan Senior Lecturer and Researcher Introduction: In the perplexing realm of international diplomacy, the Arab League’s questionable priorities come to
#Access Deal: A #Crucial Evaluation of Its Impact on #Somaliland’s Future #Economy –Boon or Bane for the #People? #Araweelo_News_Network. A shimmering lifeline or a Trojan horse? In this comprehensive analysis, let us scrutinize the potential ramifications of Somaliland leadership and intellectuals’
Somaliland Waxay Riixaysaa #Badhanka_5G, #Addeegan Waxa Hoggaaminay Shirkadda #Telesom
#Araweelo_News_Network. #Somaliland Waxay Riixaysaa #Badhanka_5G, #Addeegan Waxa Hoggaaminay Shirkadda #Telesom, Wallow #Walaacyo Faqri iyo Amni #Jiraan Hargeysa(ANN)- Somaliland oo ah gobol ka go’ay Soomaaliya, ayaa si geesinimo leh mustaqbalka ugu bood-boodaysa iyadoo adeegsanaysa 5G technology. Dibu-soo-baxan dhinaca technology casriga ah,
#Somalia rejects mediation efforts with #Ethiopia over port deal
#Araweelo_News_Network. Kampala (ANN)-Somalia rejected any discussions with Ethiopia about Addis Ababa’s agreement to lease a port in the breakaway region of Somaliland, as regional heads of state gathered on Thursday to try to defuse a growing diplomatic crisis. Under a
#Somaliland: Xukuumadda Oo War-murtiyeed Kasoo Saartay Xiisadda Siyaasadeed Ee Gobolka Iyo Xaaladda Xasarada Diblmaasiyeed Ee Kacsan
#Somaliland: War-murtiyeedka Xiisadda Siyaasadeed Ee Somalia, Amniga Gobolka Iyo Xaaladda Xasarada Diblmaasiyeed Ee Kacsan #Araweelo_News_Network. Hargeysa(ANN)-Xukuumadda Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland, ayaa kasoo saartay War-murtiyeed lagaga hadlayo xaaladdaha siyasaadeed ee gobolka iyo xiisadda ka dhalatay Diyaaradda Wefdiga Ethiopia ee shalay dawladda Federaalka Soomaaliya
Memorandum of Understanding Follow-Up Agenda_ Ethiopia
#Araweelo_News_Network. Memorandum of Understanding Follow-Up Agenda: Ethiopia and Somaliland Background: Following the signing of the initial Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on January 1, 2024, Ethiopia and Somaliland we anticipate the reconvening