Category: Somalia
#Somaliland: Xukuumadda Oo Kashiftay Doorka Haweenayda Illhan Omar Ee Xildhibaanada Maraykan Ah Iyo Kaalinta Ay Ku Lahayd Dagaalka Laascaanood
#Araweelo_News_Network. Hargeysa (ANN)-Xukuumadda Jamhuuriydada Somaliland ayaa soo Bandhigtay eeddayn la xidhiidha Kaalintii Ilhaan Cumar oo ah Haweenay asal ahaan Soomaaliyad ah, isla markaana haysta dhalashada Maraykanka oo mid xildhinaada Xisbiga Dumuqraadiga oo lagu eeddeeyay doorkii at ku Lahayd
#Somalia Iyo #Ethiopia Oo Laysugu Keenay Talyaaniga
#Araweelo_News_Network. Maxaa Kasoo Baxay Kulanka Madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh Iyo Ra’iisal Wasaaraha Ethiopia ? Rome (ANN)- Ra’iisal wasaaraha dalka Ethiopia Abay Ahmed iyo Madaxweynaha dawladda Federaalka ee Soomaaliya, Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud ayaa si fool-ka fool ah ugu kulmay dalka
#Somaliland-Ethiopia MoU Is No Different from Related #Agreements in the world
Ethiopia, Somaliland MoU Is No Different from Related Agreements in the world: Prof. Ayele Bekri #Araweelo_News_Network. Many Ethiopian academics assert that trade was the foundation of the Axum culture and other civilizations and water (Sea) plays a significant role in
#Somaliland: Guddoomiye #Xirsi Soo Dhowayntii Xanbaarsanayd Ismuujinta Xisbiga #WADDANI Farriimihii Ku Waajahnaa Xukuumadda #Biixi Iyo Iftiimintii Xirsi Ee Xaalladdaha Jira Ee Dalka
#Araweelo_News_Network. Written by Arraale M. Jama, a freelance journalist and human rights activist. Hargeysa(ANN)- Guddoomiyaha Xisbiga WADDANI ee ugu weyn Mucaaradka Somaliland, Xirsi Xaajo Cali Xasan, ayaa kusoo laabatay dalka kaddib safar uu tan iyo dabayaaqadii sannadkii hore ugu maqnaa
#Ethiopia has sent a letter to the United Nations #Security Council to Defend the MOU #Agreement it signed with the government of #Somaliland.
#Araweelo_News_Neywork Addis Ababa (ANN)- The Ethiopian government has submitted a written defense of the MOU agreement with the Somaliland government to the United Nations Security Council. Post Views: 1,183
What can Ethiopia offer Somaliland on the independence issue?
#Araweelo_News_Network Somaliland as a sovereign state. This would make Ethiopia the first UN member state to recognise it. What has Somaliland achieved in its quest for statehood? Somaliland unilaterally declared its independence in 1991, based heavily on
#Somaliland: Cabduqaadir Jirde Oo Sharaxaad Ka Bixiyay Qoraalka Madaxweyne Biixi Kusoo Celiyay Xeerarka Doorashooyinka Gollaha Guurtida Iyo Cawaaqibka Ka Dhalanaya
#Somaliland: Cabduqaadir Jirde Oo Sharaxaad Ka Bixiyay Qoraalka Madaxweyne Biixi Kusoo Celiyay Xeerarka Doorashooyinka Gollaha Guurtida Iyo Cawaaqibka Ka Dhalanaya #Araweelo_News_Network. Hargeysa(ANN)- Siyaasiga Cabqariga ah ee Cabduqaadir Jirde, ayaa ka hadlay qoraalka Madaxweynaha Somaliland Muuse Biixi usoo gudbiyay gollaha guurtida
The African Unions Silence on #Somaliland: A Call for #Recognition and #Resolution
#Araweelo_News_Network. The African Union’s Silence on Somaliland: A Call for Recognition and resolution The African Union has a proud history of standing by the choices of African peoples and effectively managing issues related to self-determination. Cases such as Eritrea