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Category: Somalia

Total 1392 Posts

#Somalia’s Denial Won’t Rewrite the Books: Somaliland Has Proven Itself a De Facto State Deserving Recognition

#Araweelo_News_Networ.   Addis Ababa(ANN) -The separation between #Somaliland and the rest of #Somalia began during the colonial era, when Britain administered the territory as a protectorate separately from Italian-governed areas further south.  ModermDiplolmacy,; BY Zelalem Tamir   Image source: flickr/African

Breaking News; The situation in Somalia – Security Council, 9551st meeting at the New York.

Breaking News, The situation in Somalia – Security Council, 9551st meeting at the New York. #Araweelo_News_Network New York (ANN)- The United Nations Security Council is debating the situation in Somalia as well as the issues of political tensions between the

#Somaliland; Maxaa Lagaga Hadlay Kulanka Labada Madaxweyne #Biixi Iyo #Rayaale Ee Xilligan

#Araweelo_News_Network.   Hargeysa (ANN)-Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland, Muuse Biixi Cabdi ayaa Qasriga Madaxtooyadda ku qaabilay Madaxweynihii hore ee Somaliland Daahir Rayaale Kaahin oo dhowaan dalka dib ugu soo laabtay. Madaxweyne Biixi ayaa qaabilaada ka sokow wuxuu Madaxweynihii saddexaad ee Somaliland ku

Fostering Reciprocal Diplomacy: An In-depth Analysis of the Somaliland-Ethiopia Memorandum of Understanding

#Araweelo_News_Network. Fostering Reciprocal Diplomacy: An In-depth Analysis of the Somaliland-Ethiopia Memorandum of Understanding Written by  Gulaid Yusuf Idaan Senior Lecturer and Researcher Introduction The relationship between Somaliland and Ethiopia is complex, encompassing historical, economic, and strategic dimensions. Historically, their ties can

Somaliland: Xildhibaanada Awdal Oo Sheegay Innay Qayb Ka Yihiin Ansixinta Xeerarka Doorashooyinka Oo Aannay U Baahnayn Kootada Ay Haweenka Somaliland Waayeen

#Araweelo_News_Network. Hargeysa(ANN) Xidhibaanada Awdal oo ay hoggaaminayaan Guddoomiye ku xigeenka labaad ee gollaha Wakiillada Cali Xaamud Jibriil iyo Xildhibaan Maxamed Abiib ayaa ka hadlay doorka ay xildhibaanada labada Golle ee guurtida iyo wakiillada kaga jira Awdal ku lahaayeen ansixinta xeerarka

#Somaliland: Gollaha Wakiillada Oo Cod Xooggan Ku Ansixiyay Xeerarka Doorashooyinka

#Araweelo_News_Network. Hargeysa(ANN)-Mudanayaasha Gollaha Wakiillada ayaa saaka fadhigii ay yeesheen ku meel mariyay xeerarka doorashooyinka ee murranka soo noq noqday ka taagnaa, kaddib markii gollaha Guurtidu sidan oo kale cod aqlabiyad sare oo xooggan ku ansixiyeen, iyadoo laga diuulayo heshiiska ay

#Somaliland Xukuumadda Oo Ka Cadhootay Xeerarka #Doorashooyinka Ee Gollaha Guurtidu Codka Xooggan Ku Ansixiyeen Iyo Dareenka Ka Dhashay

>”Labada Xeer Waxaan Ku Ansixinay 66 , Xeerarkuna Waa Kuwo Dalka U Dan Ah, Mana jiro Wax Khilaaf Ah” Xildhibaan Jirde Oo Guurtida Ah >”Xeerarka Guurtidu ansixisay Maaha kuwo Dan U Ah Ururka Hillaac Ee Boorama” Madaxweyne Ku xigeenka Somaliland

Somaliland: Urging Diaspora Communities in the UK, Europe, North America and Australia to Exercise Their Rights to Vote

#Araweelo_News_Network. Press Release Urging Somaliland Diaspora Communities in the UK, Europe, North America and Australia to Exercise Their Rights to Vote The year 2024 has been marked by remarkable diplomatic achievements for the Republic of Somaliland, culminating in the adoption


#Araweelo_News_Network. SOMALILAND ETHIOPIA MOU The recently proposed Memorandum of Understanding between President Muuse Bihi Abdi and Prime Minister Abi Ahmed of Ethiopia has far-reaching economic, political and security implications. It is important for both countries to develop good neighbourly and

#Somaliland: Xukuumadda Oo Sheegtay In Aannay Somalia Maamulin Hawadda Somaliland

  #Araweelo_News_Network.   Hargeysa(ANN)- Xukuumadda Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland ayaa sheegtay in aannay dawladda Federaalka Soomaaliya xukumin hawadeeda. Sidaana waxa sheegay Wasiirka Warfaafinta Somaliland, isla markaana ah Afhayeemka Xukuumadda Cali  Xasan Aadan (Cali Mareexaan). Wasiir Cali Xasan Maxamed (Cali Mareexaan), wuxuu sheegay