Category: Somalia
Amnesty International calls for trial of Abdirashid Janan
Araweelo News Network. #Somalia, Mogadishu (ANN)-The Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) has been called upon to ‘ensure justice for Abdirashid Janan, who is accused of committing human rights abuses’, after he to have fallen into the hands of the government
Norway changes hours after Farmajo’s call to leave Villa Somalia
Araweelo News Network. Western countries arguing for Somalia’s friends and diplomats at home are the biggest problem in Somalia. #Somalia, Mogadishu, (ANN)-Hours later, Norway withdrew its toughest statement on Somalia’s election dispute, calling on Villa Somalia to hand over
Maraykanka, Britain Iyo Midawga Yurub ayaa diiday in Cid Kale Soo saarto Tallaalka Coronavirus
Araweelo News Network. Dallalka qaniga ah waxay tallaalayan hal qof ilbidhiqsi kasta halka Soomaaliya ay heshay qoondo ka yar 2% bulshada ku dhaqan. War-saxaafeed Ururada maxaliga ah waxay leeyihiin, Soomaaliya waxay heli kartaa talaal ku filan sanadkan gudihiisa haddii la
Somalia: Hoggaamiyayaasha Siyaasada Oo Sii Wata Go’aankooda Khilaafka Iyo Fashilka Shirka
Araweelo News Network. #Amb. James Swan,Madaxweynaha Dadban Ee Soomaaliya Iyo Kooxdiisa oo Diyaarnaya Qorshohooda Siyaasada Soomaaliya, Hargeysa(ANN)-Hoggaamiyayaasha Soomaalida, ayaa awooddi waayay in ay xal u helaan khilaafka cakiran ee doorashooyinka Soomaaliya, waxaana gebei ahaanba muuqda astaamo hordhaca ah oo durba
Maraykanka Oo Awaamiir Dul Dhigay Hoggaamiyayaasha Soomaalida Iyo Deni Oo Sheegay In Ciidamo Lagu Hareereeyay
Araweelo News Network. “Dhan walba Ciidan ayaa nalaga dhigay”Madaxweynaha Puntland Muqdisho)ANN)-Dawladda Maraykanka, ayaa ka hadashay shirka loogu baaqay hoggaamiyayaasha Soomaalida ee la filayo inuu maalinta beri ka qabsoomo xerada Xallane ee garoonka Aden Cadde oo xarun u ah AMISOM.
“Berbera port reaches another milestone in Development” by statement DP world
Araweelo News Network. #Berbera(ANN)-DP World, the world’s largest carrier, has spoken out about the state of the Berbera Port following the arrival of new equipment. “The port of Berbera has reached another stage with the arrival of three new ship-to-coast
“President, don’t speak like the people, If you can’t do something, leave the place.” Jama Shabel
Araweelo News Network. “#Somaliland@President, don’t speak like the people, If you can’t do something, leave the place.” Jama Shabel Hargeisa (ANN) -The former chairman of the central committee of the ruling KULMIYE party, Lawyer Jama Ismail Egeh (Jama Shabeel), has
“Somalia has incited hostility against Kenya” by a statement from Nairobi
Araweelo News Network. Nairobi(ANN)-The Kenyan government has said it will not attend an ICJ hearing on the maritime dispute between Somalia and Somalia. In recent days, a group from the Somali Federal Government led by Deputy Prime Minister Khadar Guled
Somtel Somaliland Announces to Public Shares with a price tag of $100 per share
Araweelo News Network. #SOMTEL new Shares to Public with price tag of $100 per share Somtel, the telecom and technology service provider with the widest network coverage in the Somali region, has set the issue price for the shares at
Somaliland: Madaxweyne Biixi Oo Shaaciyay In La Bilaabayo Tallaalka Xilli Dalalka Yurub Joojiyeen Isticmaalkiisa
Araweelo News Network. “Waynu Bilaabaynaa Tallaalka Anigaana u horaynaya” Madaxweyne Biixi. #Somaliland, Hargeysa(ANN)-Madaxweynaha Somaliland, Muuse Biixi Cabdi, ayaa ka hadlay xannuunka Coronavirus iyo sida uu ugu soo kordhayo Somaliland, isagoo tusaale usoo qaatay baadhitaanka Wasaaradda Caafimaadka dadka laga helay iyo