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Category: Somalia

Total 1390 Posts

Muqdisho: Agaasimhii Villa Somalia Oo Xilka Iska Casilay

Araweelo News  Network.     #Muqdisho, #Somalia, (ANN)-Agaasimihii Guud ee Madaxtooyadda dawladda Federaalka Soomaaliya, Dr. Nuur Diiriye oo ku magac dheer “Fuursade”  ayaa sheegay in uu xilka iska casilay xilkii Agaasime ee Villa Somalia. Dr. Nuur Diiriye Xirsi (Fuursade), wuxuu

Somalia: Mucaaradka Oo Qaramada Midoobay U Diray Qayladhaan

Araweelo News Network   #Somalia: Mucaaradka Oo Xulufaysanaya Maamul Gobolleedyada qaarkood oo  Qaramada Midoobay U Diray Qayladhaan #Muqisho(ANN)-Kooxda siyaasiyiinta Mucaaradka ee la baxay Madasha badbaado qaran oo ay weheliyaan madaxda maamul gobolleedyada #Soomaaliya ee  #Puntland iyo #Jubaland ayaa fariin u

Somalia: Farmajo Receives Army Emergency Response from Nigeria

Araweelo News Network. #Somalia: #Nigerian# troops arrive in #Mogadishu #Mogadishu (ANN)-Nigeria has sent troops to #Somalia amid political turmoil in Mogadishu .A contingent of 144 police officers from Nigeria have arrived in Somalia to boost stabilization efforts in the country,

Somaliland blames International Community for lack of Development in Somaliaia

Araweelo News Network. #Somaliland #Government blames #International #Community for lack of Development in #Somalia #Hargeisa(ANN)- The government of the Republic of Somaliland, has blamed the international community for the lack of development in Somalia, which the world has invested heavily

Somalia: Laba Maamul Gobolleed Iyo Midawga Murrashaxiinta Oo Isku Mari Waayay Kulan Ay Yeesheen

Araweelo News Network.   #Somalia: Laba #Maamul#Gobolleed Iyo #Midawga Murrashaxiinta Oo Isku Mari Waayay Kulan Ay Ka Yeesheen Xaaladda Siyaasadeed Muqdisho(ANN)-Gollaha la baxay murrrashaxiinta Madaxweynaha ee mucaardka ku ah xukuumadda Federaalka ee Soomaaliya, ayaa ku guuldaraysatay in ay ku qanciyaan

He had planned to become president of Somalia, but he died

Araweelo News Network. #Prof. #Ghandi was part of the #Group that developed the 4.5 Plan, which further #undermined #Somali #politics. Paris(ANN)-Prof. Mohamed Abdi Ghandi, a member of the group that drafted the 4.5 system of power-sharing for Somalis at the

Somalia: Maamulka Jubbaland Oo isbedel Ku Sameeyay Hay’addaha Amniga

Araweelo News Network. #Jubbaland isbedel lagu Sameeyay #Hay’addaha #Amaanka Kismaayo(ANN)-Maamul goboleedka Soomaaliya ee Jubbaland oo xaruntiisu tahay Magaalada Kismaayo, ayaa is bedel ku sameeyay saraakiisha Hay’addaha amniga ee Jubbaland. Qoraal kasoo baxay Madaxtooyadda Jubbaland oo uu ku saexeexanyahay Madaxweynaha Maamulka

The Reality of Somalia’s Political Conflict and the Decision to Extend the Term of Farmajo’s Government

Araweelo News Network. #The Reality of #Somalia’s #Political #Conflict and the #Decision to Extend the Term of #Farmajo’s #Government. By Arraale M Jaama Freelance Journalist and Human Rights activist. The United Nations and the international community have already planned for

Somalia: Benadir Regional Court Prosecutes Six Men, Some Foreigners Working for International Organizations

Araweelo News Network. #Matthew, Bryden,#David Hopkins, #Emmanuel Deisser and #Colin D #Robinson, they part of a group accused of #spying #Somalia, Mogadishu (ANN)-The Somali government has filed a lawsuit against six men, some of them foreigners working for international organizations.

Somali: UN, AMISOM and International Community Warn Farmajo’s Government

Araweelo News Network. Somali: UN, AMISOM and International Community Warn Farmajo’s Government Somalia (ANN)-The United Nations, the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) and the international community have expressed concern over their stance on the extension of Farmajo’s government. African