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Category: Science & Technology

Total 162 Posts

Somaliland Oo Soo Bandhigtay Diyaarad Ay Samaysay

          Hargeysa(ANN)Khuburo Somaliland u dhalatay oo ah Engneero, ayaa soo bandhigay Diyaarad nooceedu yahay Helecobter oo ay sameeyeen, taas oo lagu dhamaystiray magaalada Caasimada ah ee Hargeysa. Halkan ka Daawo Diyaaradda la sameeyay oo u diyaar

Mobile Phone App Sheds New light on Risk taking Behavio: Melissa Hogenboon

London(ANN)New research shows that risky behavior and impulsiveness can be reliably tested with specially designed mobile phone games. Scientists found that four puzzles in The Great Brain Experiment app can reliably measure several different aspects of cognitive function. Other games