Category: Magazine
Cuba Oo Ku Guulaysatay Dawooyinka COVID-19
Khubarada Cuba iyo China ayaa Xaqiijiyay Dawada Coronavirus, waxayna labaduba noqdeen gurmadka ugu weyn xaaladda Cotonavirus Havana (ANN) -Dalka Cuba waxa laga joojiyay cunaqabateyntii Maraykanka ee dul saarneyd muddo ka badan nus qarni, Cuba waxay abaabushay xilligan xarumo caafimaad oo
Cuban ‘wonder drug’ being used worldwide: official
The drug, called Interferon Alpha-2B Recombinant (IFNrec), is jointly developed by scientists from Cuba and China Havana(ANN)-Despite hefty US sanctions inflicted on it for more than half a century, Cuba has mobilized its medical corps around the world to distribute
China reports zero local coronavirus transmissions, but new imported ones +World updates
Beijing (ANN)- China has managed to prevent local transmissions of the new coronavirus for a second consecutive day, while reporting an increase in cases of infection coming in from abroad. The Chinese National Health Commission announced in a statement on
A call for US, China joint efforts to end the pandemic
Washington(ANN)-The novel coronavirus pandemic is dragging the world into a mess not seen since the World War II, causing disruptions to spin out of control. At this critical juncture, the world urgently needs the unity of the great powers, especially
Fayriska Cusub Ee Hantavirus Oo Kasoo Baxay Shiinaha
“Qofkii u Horreeyay ayaa u dhintay Hantavirus xilli dunidu la daalaadhacay oo u caalweyday Coronavirus ” Warbixin: By. Carraale M Jaamac Freelance Journalist and Human Rights Activist based Somaliland. Beijing(ANN)- Xukuumadda Shiinaha, ayaa ka digtay walaaca laga qabo fayriska cusub
Pentagon warns coronavirus outbreak could last for months in US
New York(ANN)-The US Defense Department has warned that the fast-spreading coronavirus outbreak in the country could continue for months and the American military would continue to support efforts to counter the COVID-19 crisis. The highly contagious disease could last for
US virus cases to surpass China in April: experts
New York(ANN)-The COVID-19 epidemic in the US is worsening sharply as the federal government approved major disaster declarations for New York, California and Washington states, and the situation in Washington DC worsened, with local police shutting down streets to stop
The Empire has no masks
By Dennis Etler It is beyond belief that the barbarian in the White House pretends to offer assistance to Iran while still imposing death-dealing sanctions on the nation and its people. The US has nothing to offer Iran, as it
US surgeon general says coronavirus outbreak ‘to get bad’ this week
New York(ANN)-The US surgeon general issued his starkest warning to date on Monday about the health risk posed by the coronavirus outbreak, warning Americans that the crisis was “going to get bad” this week. The country’s top public health official, Surgeon
#Coronavirus: Maraykanka Iyo Shiinaha Midkee Samayeeyay Maxaase Caddaymo Loo Hayaa?
“Cronavirus, waa Xannuun dabiici ah oo lagu ciqaabayo bini-aadamka” Shi Zhengli oo ah Cilmi-baadhe ka tirsan Machadka Wuhan “Waxa jira mala awaal ah in COVID-19, loo sameeyay inuu si gaar ah u bar-tilmaameedsado dad gaar ah marka loo eego astaamaha