Category: Magazine
The international community should not ignore the Somaliland Case by the late Omar Arte Ghaleb
Araweelo News Network. The international community should not ignore the Somaliland Case, said the former Prime Minister of Somalia, the late Omar Arte Ghalib. The famous and veteran politician Seyid Omar Arte Ghalib, who passed away last November in Hargeisa,
Prof. Galaydh’s family demands further investigation into death
Araweelo News Network Prof Galaydh Leader Leaving Political Councils and Areas of Knowledge of the Somali Community and Horn of Africa Jigjiga, Ethiopia (ANN)-Relatives of the late Dr. Ali Khalif Galaydh, demanded further investigations into the body.After officials in
Galaydh: Hoggaamiye Ka Baxay Gollayaasha Siyaasada iyo Aqoonta Soomaalida
Araweelo News Network Taariikhda Prof. Gaalydh oo Koobban By. Arraale Mohamoud Jaama Freelance Journalist and Human Rights Activist. Jigjiga Ethiopia (ANN)- Hoggaamiyihii caanka ahaa Khaatumo, isla markaaana hore usoo noqday R a’iisal wasaarihii dowladdii ku-meel gaadhka ahayd ee
How to Choose Our Leaders ?
Araweelo News Network Choose your leaders with wisdom and forethought. To be led by a liar is to ask to be told lies. To be led by a tyrant is to sell yourself and those you love into slavery. Octavia
AhmedShide Ethiopia’s Finance Minister Wins 2020 Africa Award
#AhmedShide: #Ethiopia’s Finance Minister Wins 2020 Africa #Award By Arraale M Jaama Freelance Journalist and Human Rights Activist based in Hargeisa Somaliland Addis Ababa (ANN) – The African Investment Forum (AFSIC) has announced that Ethiopian Minister of Finance Ahmed Shide has
#Coronavirus: Doodaha Murugsan Ee Maraykanka, Sababaha Ay Nafteedta U Haligtay Dhakhtarad Safka Hore Kaga Jirtay Dagaalka COVID-19
Kooxda Qarsoon Ee Sheedda Ka Hagaya Faafitaanka Coronavirus Warbixin: By. Carraale M Jaamac Freelance Journalist and Human Rights Activist New York(ANN)-Dhakhtar sare oo ka tirsan qolka xaaladdaha deg-degga ah ee cusbitaalka Manhattan oo daweeyey bukaanno badan oo cudurka Coronavirus ah
Maraykanka: khuburada Sayniska, Xeel-dheerayaasha xannuunada Faafa Iyo Saraakiisha Caafimaadka Oo isku Murgay
Dhimashadii Ugu Badnayd Maraykanka Ee COVID-19, Waxay Dhalisay Doodo Iyo Sawaxan Warbixin: By. Carraale M Jaamac Freelance Journalist and Human Rights Activist. Washington(ANN)-Doodo kulal ayaa ka dhasahay kadib markii dalka Maraykanku noqday kii ugu dhimashada badnaa ee caabuqa Coronavirus ee
COVID-19, laguma samayn shaybaadh. Falanqaynta hidda-socodka waxay muujinaysaa inuu ku Yimi si Dabiici ah
Saynisyahannadu si dhab ah ayay u qaateen fikradaha shirqoolka ee ku saabsan asalka SARS-CoV-2, wayna ka faa’idaysteen Baadhitaanka Coronavirus ee ku wareegsan adduunka waxaa keena fayris dabiici ah, oo aan lagu samayn sheybaadh, daraasad cusub ayaa leh. Warbixin: By. Carraale
The Lost Languages Discovered in One of the World’s Oldest Continuously Run Libraries
Araweelo News Network By Brigit Katz -Smithsonian Magazine. Centuries-old texts were erased, and then written over, by monks at Saint Catherine’s Monastery in Egypt. Saint Catherine’s Monastery in Sinai, Egypt. from Berthold Werner / Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA. Saint