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Category: Magazine

Total 70 Posts

Yemen’s Houthis continue to attack Israel

#Araweelo News Network Tehran (ANN) –The US and British airstrikes in Yemen have not changed the operations of the Houthis targeting Israel. Yemen’s Houthis continue to attack Israel. The latest operation The Yemeni forces said that they carried out another

Somaliland: Parliamentarian Abib is in prison and the decision of the House of Representatives again blocked the request of the prosecution

#Araweelo_News_Network Hargeisa (ANN)-The House of Representatives of Somaliland has once again rejected the request of the National Prosecutor’s Office, which was a document to question the MP who has been incarcerated for more than two weeks. MP Mohamed Abib, who

US: Recognizing Somaliland would be a simple acknowledgement of the truth that the territory is an independent state

Recognizing Somaliland would let the U.S. build a partnership with the ter- ritory that would give Washington a hedge against further deterioration of its position in Djibouti. #Araweelo_News_Network. De Facto Independence. Somaliland charted a different course. Follow-ing a conference of

Somaliland Election 2024: Predicting How The Three Political Parties Will Win

Somaliland Presidential Election: Who Wins, Who Loses 2024. > The current political climate in Somaliland The challenge Between KULMIYE, UCID, WADDANI, Predictions Showed How National Polotical Parties Can Win Somaliland Election 2024. Analyzing the upcoming Somaliland presidential election in November

#Dahabshiil Motors Oo Keentay #Somaliland Iyo Geyiga #Soomaalida Gaadiidkii Ugu Danbeeyay Ee Wershedduhu Soo Saaraan 2024

#Dahabshiil Motors, Baabuurta Casriga Iyo Bushaarooyinka Cusub “waxa noo badbaaday Biilalkii Xaafaddaha, waxan helay Baabuur cusub oo aan ahayn mustacmal, qub-qacdii hore waan kaga baxnay iyo maalinba meel jabta” macaamiisha Dahabshiil Motors. #Araweelo_News_Network. Written by Arraale M. Jama, a freelance

Ruushka oo Ka Faa’iidaysanaya Weerarada Badda Cas ee Xuutiyiinta

Shirkaddaha Reer Glalbeedka Oo Magan u noqday Ruushka markii Xuutiyiintu Bilaabeen Ugaadhsiga Maraakiibta Badda Cas. Badeecaddaha Uu Gudbinayo Ruushku ee Yurub ayaa kor ugu kacay in ka baddan 50% Written by Arraale M. Jama, a freelance journalist and human rights

#Iran Oo Bandhig Caalami Ah Kusoo Bandhigtay #Diyaaradda Aan Duuliyaha Lahayn Oo Loogu Magacdaray #Qaza Iyo Hubka Casriga Ah

“Hubka Casriga Ah Ee Iran Waxa Laga Iibinayaa Dalalka Oo Dhan Marka Laga Reebo Maraykanka Iyo Israel” Wakiilka Iran   #Araweelo_News_Network Doha (ANN)-Iran ayaa soo bandhigtay hub casri ah oo ay leeyihiin ciidamada Badda ee Kacaanka dalkaa, iyadoo gantaalada iyo

#Somaliland Xukuumadda Oo Ka Cadhootay Xeerarka #Doorashooyinka Ee Gollaha Guurtidu Codka Xooggan Ku Ansixiyeen Iyo Dareenka Ka Dhashay

>”Labada Xeer Waxaan Ku Ansixinay 66 , Xeerarkuna Waa Kuwo Dalka U Dan Ah, Mana jiro Wax Khilaaf Ah” Xildhibaan Jirde Oo Guurtida Ah >”Xeerarka Guurtidu ansixisay Maaha kuwo Dan U Ah Ururka Hillaac Ee Boorama” Madaxweyne Ku xigeenka Somaliland

#Sacuudiga Oo Ku Biiray Isbahaysiga #Ruushka Iyo #Shiinuhu Hoggaamiyaan Ee Manja Xaabinaya Awoodda Iyo Dhaqaalaha #Maraykanka

Ethiopia Iyo Masar Oo Dhibaatooyinka Dhaqaale Ee Hadheeyay Kula Gal-Gashay Isbahaysiga BRICS. Bilawgii BRICS, Quluqulka Dalalka Aduunka Xiisaha Xubinimada Iyo Bartilmaameedka Isbahaysiga. Written by Arraale M. Jama, a freelance journalist and human rights activist.   #Araweelo_News_Network.   Riyadh (ANN)- Dalka

#iran Oo Hawadda U Dirtay Saddex #Dayax-Gamceed Oo Cabsi Ku Riday #Maraykanka Iyo #Israel

  #Araweelo_News_Network. Written by Arraale M. Jama, a freelance journalist and human rights activist. Tehran (ANN)- Iran ayaa hawadda sare u dirtay saddex dayax-gacmeed xilli ay cirka isku sii shareerayso xiisadda u dhexaysa quwaddaha reer galbeedka iyo Iran oo muujisay