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Category: Health & Education

Total 300 Posts

As Virus Spreads, Anger Floods Chinese Social Media

The sheer volume of criticism of the government, and the sometimes clever ways that critics dodge censors, are testing Beijing’s ability to control the narrative. By Raymond Zhong-.nytime SHANGHAI (ANN)— Recently, someone following the coronavirus crisis through China’s official news

African-born startup launches education platform that encourages entrepreneurship

PRESS RELEASE The multifunctional online subscription site offers tried-and-tested creative crafting lesson plans, teaching resources and business acumen CAPE TOWN, South Africa, (ANN)– A Cape Town based startup, bridges the gap between entrepreneurship for stay-at-home parents and education for

Daraasad Xaqiijisay In Dadka Guursadaa Ka Badbaadaan Cudurrada Kansarka iyo Wadna-xannuunka

Khubaro caafimaad oo dhawaan sammeeyey cilmi-baadhis qoto-dheer, ayaa sheegay in dadka xaaska leh amma qofka guursada uu ka badbaado inay asiibaan, ama ay ku dhacaan xannuunnada Kansarka iyo wadna-xannuunka, haddii Ilaahay (SWT) sidaa qaddaro. Baadhitaan caafimaad oo ay ku sameeyeen

California confirms third case of China virus in US

California(ANN)-A patient in California’s Orange County was Saturday confirmed as the third person on US soil infected with the new deadly virus that originated in China, health officials said. The infected person was a traveler from Wuhan, the Chinese city

Hundreds dead in Yemen as swine flu spreads

Sana’a(ANN)-According to the Health Ministry of the Houthi-aligned National Salvation Government based in Sanaa, an outbreak of swine flu has claimed more than 270 lives within the space of three months. The Health Ministry is reportedly introducing measures to counter

Somaliland: Dood La Xidhiidha Tacadiyada Ay La Kulmaan Dadka La Nool HIV/AIDS

Hargesa(ANN)-Komishanka Xuquuqda Aadamaha ee Qaranka Somaliland oo kaashanaya Wasaaradda Shaqo-gelinta, Qoyska iyo Arrimaha Bulshada, ayaa soo qaban-qaabiyay dood lagu falanqeeyay dhibaatooyinka iyo tacadiyada ay la kulmaan dadka la nool HIV/AIDS-ka. Dood oo lagu qabtay Huteel Maansoor ee magaalada Hargeysa, ayaa

How to Change Your Life in 5 Seconds

Brenda Barbosa By Inc. – Pocket A super simple strategy that can help you beat procrastination, break bad habits, and improve performance—all in just 5 seconds. In 2008, author, entrepreneur, and award-winning television commentator Mel Robbins was out of work

Why Office Workers Can’t Sleep (and Why That’s Bad)

By Linda Geddes Ever since the discovery that light—and particularly blue light—can suppress melatonin and alter the timing of our circadian clocks, evidence has been building that exposure to even low levels of light in the evening and during the early part

African countries optimistic about halving deaths from malaria, but major challenges remain

PRESS RELEASE Malaria experts are very concerned that climate change could increase the threat of malaria in the region ABUJA, Nigeria,(ANN) — Central African countries surveyed in new opinion study believe that halving malaria deaths is more achievable than elimination

My Life Without Sugar

My plan was to have a sugar-free month. But now I feel so much better that I can’t imagine going back. By Olivia Judson, The Guardian- pocket. Three years ago, I stopped eating sugar. My plan was to have a