Category: Health & Education
No, the coronavirus wasn’t made in a lab. A genetic analysis shows it’s from nature
The Coronavirus pandemic circling the globe is caused by a natural virus, not one made in a lab, a new study says. By Tina Hesman Saey -For the Latest Report from Science News New Orleans (ANN)-The virus’s genetic makeup reveals
COVID-19, laguma samayn shaybaadh. Falanqaynta hidda-socodka waxay muujinaysaa inuu ku Yimi si Dabiici ah
Saynisyahannadu si dhab ah ayay u qaateen fikradaha shirqoolka ee ku saabsan asalka SARS-CoV-2, wayna ka faa’idaysteen Baadhitaanka Coronavirus ee ku wareegsan adduunka waxaa keena fayris dabiici ah, oo aan lagu samayn sheybaadh, daraasad cusub ayaa leh. Warbixin: By. Carraale
Cuba Oo Ku Guulaysatay Dawooyinka COVID-19
Khubarada Cuba iyo China ayaa Xaqiijiyay Dawada Coronavirus, waxayna labaduba noqdeen gurmadka ugu weyn xaaladda Cotonavirus Havana (ANN) -Dalka Cuba waxa laga joojiyay cunaqabateyntii Maraykanka ee dul saarneyd muddo ka badan nus qarni, Cuba waxay abaabushay xilligan xarumo caafimaad oo
Cuban ‘wonder drug’ being used worldwide: official
The drug, called Interferon Alpha-2B Recombinant (IFNrec), is jointly developed by scientists from Cuba and China Havana(ANN)-Despite hefty US sanctions inflicted on it for more than half a century, Cuba has mobilized its medical corps around the world to distribute
#Coronavirus: Maraykanka Iyo Shiinaha Midkee Samayeeyay Maxaase Caddaymo Loo Hayaa?
“Cronavirus, waa Xannuun dabiici ah oo lagu ciqaabayo bini-aadamka” Shi Zhengli oo ah Cilmi-baadhe ka tirsan Machadka Wuhan “Waxa jira mala awaal ah in COVID-19, loo sameeyay inuu si gaar ah u bar-tilmaameedsado dad gaar ah marka loo eego astaamaha
Fayriska Cusub Ee Hantavirus Oo Kasoo Baxay Shiinaha
“Qofkii u Horreeyay ayaa u dhintay Hantavirus xilli dunidu la daalaadhacay oo u caalweyday Coronavirus ” Warbixin: By. Carraale M Jaamac Freelance Journalist and Human Rights Activist based Somaliland. Beijing(ANN)- Xukuumadda Shiinaha, ayaa ka digtay walaaca laga qabo fayriska cusub
Telesom Unveils Online Education Platform – Tabsera – During Coronavirus Closure
“TABSERA will cover the educational needs of country’s students during schools and universities closure as a result of the novel coronavirus pandemic”. Telesom CEO, Abdikarim Mohamed Eid Hargeisa(ANN)Telesom, Somaliland’s largest telecommunications, and mobile money Transfer Company, has on Sunday unveiled TABSERA,
#Coronavirus – #WhatsApp: World Health Organization (WHO) Health Alert brings COVID-19 facts to billions via #WhatsApp
PRESS RELEASE #Coronavirus – #WhatsApp: World Health Organization (WHO) Health Alert brings COVID-19 facts to billions via #WhatsApp /Facebook This easy-to-use messaging service has the potential to reach 2 billion people and enables WHO to get information directly into the
If Sugar Is so Bad for Us, Why Is the Sugar in Fruit Ok?
By Kacie Dickinson & Jodi Bernstein, The Conversation – Pocket We hear regularly from health organisations and experts that we should eat less sugar. But we’re also told we should eat more fruit. All types of sugar will give us
#Africa: Mitigating #COVID-19’s impact on Africa’s #food systems
The global spread of COVID-19 and the rising number of coronavirus cases in Africa are fueling anxiety about negative economic growth, failing healthcare and collapsing food systems By Atsuko Toda and Martin Fregene We are facing great uncertainty on the